Saturday, November 22, 2014

RBC Sports Day in Canada gets Williams Lake residents moving

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

To mark this year’s RBC Sports Day in Canada, a national celebration of sport, the City of Williams Lake is hosting free family swim lessons at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex from 4:30-6:30 p.m.. These lessons will teach families basic swimming and drowning prevention skills. Following the lessons, families will be invited to stay for games, a movie and a snack from 6:30-8:30 p.m.. KidSport™, Big Brothers and Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, Pregnancy Outreach and the Child Development Centre will provide information on their organizations in the Complex lobby.

“We’re thrilled to be part of RBC Sports Day in Canada,” says Geoff Paynton, Director of Community Services. “The City of Williams Lake has a long tradition of swim lessons.”

“Sport has the power to build community and get Canadians moving,” said Elio Antunes,
President and CEO of ParticipACTION, the national voice of physical activity and sport
participation in Canada. “Fostering opportunities for sport at both local and national levels allows
us to build a better and stronger society, while also becoming more physically active leading to
healthier, more active lifestyles.”

RBC Sports Day in Canada caps off a week of more than 1,800 local events and activities, such
as community-wide festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-and-greets,
tournaments, fun runs, spectator events and pep rallies, and concludes with a special broadcast
on CBC Television on November 29.

Children need every opportunity to develop the confidence and skills they need to enable them
to play and also recognizing there are lifelong lessons gained through sport,” said Jane
Broderick, Chief Brand and Communications Officer, RBC. “RBC Sports Day in Canada is part
of our larger commitment to kids and youth through the RBC Believe in Kids Pledge, a five-year,
$100 million promise to help one million kids with a wide range of programs.”

“When sport is inclusive, fair and fun, Canadians and their respective communities are able to
reap the benefits associated with a positive sport experience,” said Karri Dawson, Director of
True Sport Operations at the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. “Good sport instills character
in our kids, strengthens our communities and increases opportunities for personal excellence.”

About RBC Sports Day in Canada

RBC Sports Day in Canada, celebrated on Saturday, November 29, 2014, is a national
celebration of the power of sport to build community and get Canadians moving. The official day
caps off a week of more than 1,000 local events and includes a special broadcast on CBC

RBC is the title sponsor of RBC Sports Day in Canada, which is presented by ParticipACTION,
in partnership with CBC Television, ICI Radio-Canada Télé and True Sport, working in
collaboration with national sporting organizations and their networks of coaches, athletes and
sports enthusiasts across the country. RBC Sports Day in Canada is generously supported by
Sport Canada and in BC through Healthy Families BC. For more information about RBC Sports
Day in Canada, please visit:

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