Friday, November 28, 2014

WL Council Appointments for 2014-18

This afternoon - the Dec 2nd Inaugural Meeting Agenda for Williams Lake Municipal Council was published and one item on the Agenda is Council Committee appointments for 2014-15.  The Standing Committees of Council (5) are:

1) Community Services - Members: Councillors Laurie Walters (Chair), Ivan Bonnell and Sue Zacharias

2) General Governance - Members: Councillors Craig Smith (Chair), Scott Nelson and Laurie Walters

3) Finance - Members: Councillors Scott Nelson (Chair), Craig Smith and Jason Ryll

4) Public Works - Members: Councillors Ivan Bonnell (Chair), Jason Ryll and Sue Zacharias

5) Executive - Members: Mayor Walt Cobb (Chair), Councillors Jason Ryll and Scott Nelson

The appointment of members of Council to the 5 above mentioned Committees are at the pleasure of the Mayor and do not require a Council Resolution

View the full Council Committee appointment list here

Meanwhile - some other noteworthy appointments which require a Council Resolution:

1) Cariboo RD -- Mayor Cobb as City of WL Director with Councillor Ivan Bonnell as Alternate Director

2) CC Beetle Action Coalition  - Mayor Cobb as City Director with Councillor Scott Nelson as Alternate Director

3) Northern Development Initiative Trust,  Reg Advisory Committee - Mayor Cobb as City Director with Councillor Craig Smith as Alternate Director


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