Monday, December 15, 2014

Bruce Rattray gives his Farewell message to CRD Area L constituents

In his final message to his constituents - previous Cariboo RD Area 'L Director Bruce Rattray speaks to Area L voters in regards to his last 6 years as the Electoral Area 'L Director.

Having served previously last term (Feb 2013-Oct 2014) as the CRD Area 'D' Alternate Director, I will personally miss Mr. Rattray's wisdom and experience in matters that came before the Regional Board last term but it is my sincere hope that he will now enjoy "life after politics" :)

Two initiatives that one can point back and thank Mr. Rattray for are -- the new CRD Director Remuneration Bylaw and the Board Public Consultation Policy

Find Mr. Rattray's final message to the constituents of Electoral Area 'L' below:

Dear Constituents

This is my last day as a CRD Director. The new Director, Brian Coakley, will be sworn in at tomorrow’s board meeting in Williams Lake. If you need to reach him, he can be contacted at: or

This is also my last newsletter so I am taking the opportunity to say thank you to a few people who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past six years.

First, I have to say thank you to my Alternate Director, Peter Crawshay. Peter pinch-hit for me on a few occasions when I couldn’t attend a Board meeting. He also provided me with advice and encouragement throughout my two terms.

Second, I wish to thank the members of the Area L Advisory Planning Commission. Over the six years, membership on the Commission has included Hank Hackett, Peter Crawshay, Alan Boyd, Walter Levick, Joanne Macaluso, Art Guimond, Peter Bonter, Chris Lance, Vance Kroeker, Sharron Woloshyn, Gyl Connaty, and Harold Mobbs. The Commission has consistently provided me with good advice on development applications.

Third, I have mentioned before that, throughout my term, I have been impressed by CRD staff. As an Area Director, I rely on the information and advice that I receive from staff in order to make decisions on issues affecting residents. Public sector work can be thankless. Employees are frequently held to public scrutiny and expected to meet standards that are rarely applied to the private sector. Criticism can be vitriolic and personal. The staff that I have worked with have consistently risen above such challenges and carried out their duties in a professional manner. They have provided sound advice and guidance and exhibited a high degree of integrity in their work. My thanks to them for their assistance to me and their work on behalf of residents.

Fourth, I would like to thank the staff at the 100 Mile Free Press and compliment them on their coverage of local news and events. Over the past six years I have had the pleasure of dealing with Chris Nickless, Ken Alexander, Carole Rooney, Diana Forster, Heather Nelson, Karen Schuurman, Sharon Woloshyn and Joan Silver. The paper is an important source of information for local residents and in my view the staff at the Free Press have worked hard to inform residents and provide balanced coverage of issues.

Finally I would like to thank the many Area L residents who have provided their support and encouragement over the past six years. There have been many controversial issues to deal with over my two terms. Unfortunately some of these have led to decisions which resulted in winners and losers. These are never easy and I am particularly appreciative of those, who despite finding themselves on the losing side, were still able to recognize and accept that the decisions were made after careful consideration and with the best of intentions.

I am discontinuing my newsletters effective immediately and my website at the end of the month. However, I encourage you to make the effort to stay informed about local government activities and issue. It is my hope that the new Director will rise to the challenge of informing residents of CRD activities that affect them. CRD staff also provide news and information through the CRD website as well as their Facebook, Twitter and You Tube pages. The 100 Mile Free Press is also a source of information through their articles, community news and formal advertisements.

Best wishes for the holiday season and the new year.

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