Friday, December 12, 2014

Cariboo Reg Hospital Board Highlights - Dec 12th mtg

Present - Chair J. Massier and Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 10:55am
Meeting Agenda approved/CRHD Mtg mins of Apr 17th approved


1) CRHD 2015 Provisional Five Year Financial Plan and Proposed Business Plan was approved for public consultation

Meeting adjourned at 10:58am

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