Monday, December 1, 2014

CMH Planning Update

This afternoon - Interior Health released an update as to the planning process for Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake

From the update:

Interior Health had originally planned to be finished the Concept Plan by summer 2014. However, the original schedule has been extended for several reasons. Chief among these is the desire to explore the provision of single-patient rooms exclusively in the redevelopment, an option that was not considered in the Master Site Plan. IH believes that the extra time to explore this option was time well spent as it will better provide for quality patient care at CMH. Additionally, IH experienced some staffing changes with the people most closely linked with this project, and that has also impacted time frames.

At the end of the day these factors have resulted in an extension to the anticipated completion of the Concept Plan. Service and space planning were completed this fall and, with that information in place, Interior Health has been working to identify budget and funding considerations necessary to support redevelopment at CMH. It is anticipated that the Concept Plan will be completed and submitted to the Ministry of Health in spring 2015. Once it’s submitted, any future capital planning and projects would be subject to the provincial prioritization process and the availability of capital funding.
More at here

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