Wednesday, December 17, 2014

CRD Area 'D' Questions - Support for Ind. Fire Departments

Yesterday - I was asked by two constituents a number of questions and as it may be of public interest to many -- here are their questions and my responses:

1) "Why would you lobby for renovations that would extend the time frame for a new hospital facility?" 

Answer -- I campaigned and got elected to help fully implement the Final Concept Plan for a renovated Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) when it becomes available in the Spring of 2015. Once that plan is available - the CC Regional Hospital Board of which I am 1 Director of 17 will lobby Victoria and our local MLA's for the business plan to fully implement that plan. The Final Concept Plan for CMH will be funded 60% Victoria and 40% CCRHD. The CCRHD has begun to put aside its' 40% for this project

In the meantime, you can review the Master Site Plan for CMH which underwent a year and a half public and stakeholder consultations and to which the Final Concept Plan for CMH will be based upon at:

2) "What support are you offering Tyee Lake Fire Dept or WildWood Fire Dept? We have a multitude of new staff at waste management facilities but ZERO CRD fire staff to support the efforts of all the volunteer departments across the CRD"

Answer - Tyee Lake/McLeese Lake VFD's are Independent Fire Departments and as such, I will support them as I'm asked to do so through researching available grants/used fire department equipment or approving Grants in Aides like McLeese Lake VFD will be receiving in 2015 ($5,000) however Independent fire departments are "master of their own proceedings". As far as Wildwood and the other 13 taxpayer supported Volunteer Fire Departments throughout the CRD go, they follow a process of consultation between the Area Director, Fire Chief and the CRD Manager of Protective Services as to their Operational and Capital Needs. However, if the Independent Fire Departments within the CRD wish to have staff or other types of support provided to them, they do need to put that in writing to the CRD and it will be appropriately considered... As far as attendants at the the 9 manned Transfer Stations go, that was already approved through the new Solid Waste Management Plan which underwent a long public consultation process and a number of public meetings

3) How many of the directors live or own property in the area they represent?


Most do... however I fully acknowledge I do not however this was not an issue for Area D voters' that voted me in for the next 4 years...


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