Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gateway Water System operational

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District, along with the federal and provincial levels of government officially turned on the taps today for the new Gateway water system located just north of 100 Mile House.

The gateway system now services 27 residential properties and has the ability to service additional properties in the future.

The Gateway Private Water System was constructed in 1972, but due to poor initial construction, the system desperately needed replacement. As repairing the system was out of the question, the only option for the residents was a new water system.

The high construction cost associated with a new system made it financially prohibitive for residents to pursue on their own.

Four years ago, Gateway residents approached the Cariboo Regional District requesting that the
Regional District provide a new system utilizing grant funds from senior levels of government. As a result, 2/3's grant funding was obtained to allow the project to proceed. A total of $375,000 of federal funding was provided through the Community Works Fund and a further $125,000 of provincial funding was provided by the Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development.

“I’m pleased to see the Cariboo Regional District using our consistent and reliable funding from the Gas Tax Fund for important projects such as the Gateway water system,” said Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops – Thompson – Cariboo.

“Our government is pleased to have supported the design and construction of this water system for current and future residents of the Gateway area,” said Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and MLA Cariboo North. “A new water system was long overdue and I commend the Cariboo Regional District for undertaking this project and now proudly owning it.”

“Ensuring communities like ours have clean drinking water is now only as far away as the nearest tap,” said Donna Barnett, MLA for the Cariboo-Chilcotin. “The importance of the new Gateway Water System near 100 Mile House will ensure access to healthy drinking water and a healthier community.”

“Receiving funding for this project has allowed us to provide a comprehensive water system for the residents of the Gateway area. I would also like to thank the residents who are on the water system for their patience and support during the long process of developing this new system,” stated Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area H Director Margo Wagner. “This is a great example of what can be accomplished for our residents when different levels of government work together in collaboration.”

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