Monday, December 22, 2014

Mt Polley starts Tailings Pond re-build

Last Thursday - the Provincial Government authorized Mt Polley Mining Corporation to start a re-build of the Tailings' Pond Dam that breached back in August of this year.  Read the approved permit here

Meanwhile - BC's Energy/Mines Minister Bill Bennett talks to the Goat/Cariboo Country about the repairs to get underway by saying:

“We had to ensure that the three investigations were okay with the company starting to repair the breach in the dam and this will not interfere with what the investigators are doing and secondly, the Ministry of Environment wanted to make sure that whatever water ends up in the tailings facility does not escape.”

View more here

It is expected that Mt Polley Mining Corporation will submit an application for a partial re-start of the mine site in the near future.  Williams Lake City Council is on record generally supporting a re-start of the mine while the Cariboo RD Board of Directors' is still in discussions about sending a letter of support in regards to a re-start of the Mt Polley mine site


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