Sunday, December 14, 2014

NC Joint Committee Mtg Tuesday

On Tuesday - the North Cariboo Joint Committee will meet.  The Committee consists of members of Quesnel City Council and those of CRD Electoral Areas A, B, C and I Directors

The Committee makes recommendations to Quesnel Council/CRD Board typically on recreation matters

At the meeting, the following will be discussed:

* QCEDC Quarterly Report
* NC Arena Project - Steering Committee report
* Grant Application for NC Arena Replacement Project
* Resume discussions for 2015 NC Parks/Recreation Budget
* Receipt of report from former CRD Area B Director Heloise Dixon-Warren re: Rural Recreation needs within the NC Parks/Recreation Function

View the full Agenda here

As for other Regional Joint Committees - they will meet in January 2015 as follows:

South Cariboo Joint Committee (CRD Areas G,H, L and 100 Mile Council)- Jan 12th in 100 Mile Council Chambers (meeting usually starts at 5pm)

Central Cariboo Joint Committee (CRD Areas D, E, F, J, K and WL City Council) - Jan 28th in the CRD Boardroom in Williams Lake (meeting usually starts at 6pm)


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