Monday, December 8, 2014

Quesnel COW Mtg - Dec 8th

Present: Mayor Simpson (Chair) and Councillors Brisco, Coleman, Elliot, Paull, Roodenburg and Thapar


Byron Johnson - City Manager (CAO)
Gina Albers - Deputy Corporate Administrator
Tanya Turner - Director of Development Services
Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services
Ken Coombs - Director of Public Works/Engineering
Kari Bolton - Director of Financial/Corporate Services

The Chair called the meeting called to order at 7pm
Agenda approved


1) Draft Code of Conduct and Ethics Council Policy IWC-4

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

Draft Code of Conduct and Ethics Council Policy IWC-4 be approved with the approved edits

2) Draft Council Procedure Bylaw 1750

The Chair reviewed the Draft Procedure Bylaw with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That Council give 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Council Procedure Bylaw #1750 with the approved edits to be included in the final Draft Council Procedure Bylaw

3) Annual Committee Appointments and Draft Terms of References

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That the list of Committee & Liaison appointments be approved with the Draft Terms of Reference for the 3 proposed Standing Committees be received

4) 2015 Acting Mayor Schedule

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That the 2015 Acting Mayor schedule be approved

5) Draft Agenda Development Process

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
General discussion ensued thereon

6) Strategic Planning and Budget Policy Process Questions

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee be tasked with bringing forward a new Budget Principles document and present that to Council in mid-January

7) Council email addresses

The Chair reviewed this item with the Committee
General discussion ensued thereon

Meeting concluded at 9:30pm


  1. How does someone see the details?

  2. The details from the Dec 8th Quesnel Committee of Whole meeting may be viewed at:


  3. Not available without an account

  4. Thanks for the comment:

    It appears that there is a problem with Quesnel's CivicWeb website

    I have brought this to the attention of Quesnel's Mayor, Bob Simpson, so hopefully it'll be corrected soon


  5. If the city mandates that a member of the public have an account, obviously trackable, just to be able to read what should be public domain information, then that seems like intimidation. One does not need a public account to sit in the gallery at a council meeting nor to buy a newspaper so why must one be administratively trackable should they wish to view the same information on line. Quite intimidating.

  6. Anonymous at 5:59pm

    In reference to your last comment - the City of Quesnel DOES NOT require you to have an account to access their CivicWeb site. There has been other times when other local governments who make use of the same CivicWeb software has encountered the same issues - required login, etc - that login is for Staff only to publish the information

    As far as the public goes - Agenda, Minutes, etc posted on the CivicWeb is free to access WITHOUT an account

    What occurred yesterday was a glitch and not an indication of things to come ...


  7. Why is the old mayor back on the CRD payroll via Ted Armstrong?

  8. Anonymous at 10:26am

    Thank you for your question:

    Ted Armstrong is entitled to appoint anyone he wishes as his Alternate Director provided:

    * the appointment is signed by 2 voters within Area A
    * he/she is a Canadian citizen
    * lived in BC last 6 months
    * 18 years or older
    * not disqualified from voting by way of provincial law

    As Mary Sjostrom meets the 5 above qualifications - Director Armstrong is entitled by law to appoint her as his Alternate Director...

    The same above rules apply to me as well when I get around to appointing my Alternate Director for Area D. However, my Alternate Director will be an Area D resident....


  9. What is Armstrong thinking and why would the old mayor accept the alternate appointment given the complete voter rejection she got and that she doesn't live in area A. Completely arrogant and disrespectful on both their parts.
