Friday, December 19, 2014

WL Council to re-activate Ec Dev Corporation

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake City Council will be using the expertise and enthusiasm of community members as it moves forward in enhancing economic development in the city.

At its Dec. 16 meeting, Council resolved to re-activate the Economic Development Corporation, an arms-length body that will be tasked with generating and implementing economic development ideas for Williams Lake.

Council wants to draw on the business expertise, experience, and creativity of the community,” says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “By bringing more people into the conversation, we can find an economic development model that works for Williams Lake.”

The Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation was incorporated March 2006 and a Board of Directors was appointed. In 2009 the Tourism Discovery Centre management contract changed and was handled directly by the City. Over the course of 2009 and 2010, the central Cariboo tourism marketing function was cancelled as a budget saving measure for the City. Meetings of the Board were suspended pending further direction from the City. As a corporate entity, the Corporation has been maintained for use by the City on an as-needed basis.

Council plans further discussions about the role of the Economic Development Corporation in the coming weeks.

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