Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CC Rural Caucus Mtg - Jan 28th

Present - Directors S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley; B. Anderson


A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
L. Schick - Deputy Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 3pm by the Corporate Officer

The Corporate Officer called for nominations of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus for 2015

Director Sorley nominated Director Forseth.  Director Forseth accepted his nomination.  No further nomination received.  Director Forseth declared Chair of the CC Rural Caucus for 2015

The Corporate Officer then called for nominations for the position of Co-Chair of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee for 2015.  Director Forseth nominated Director Sorley.  Director Sorley accepted her nomination.  No further nominations received.  Director Sorley declared Co-Chair of the CC Joint Committee for 2015

Director Forseth assumed the Chair

Agenda was approved
CC Rural Caucus meeting minutes of Oct 16th, 2014 adopted


1) Elcy LePage from Interior Roads appeared before the Committee to discuss winter road maintenance

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Forseth, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. LePage for her time/information


1) 2015 Meeting Schedule for CC Rural Caucus

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the meeting schedule for 2015 be endorsed

2) Appointment to External Community Committees

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the following appointments are made

Director Forseth - WL/District Chamber of Commerce
Director Kemp - Air Quality Roundtable
Director Sorley - Liaison to CC Arts/Culture Society

3) Review of 2015 Grants for Assistance

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the summary of 2015 CC Grants for Assistance spreadsheet be received.  Further, that the Gavin Lake Forest Education Society 2015 Grant for Assistance be amended as follows:

Area D - $1,400.00
Area E - $400.00
Area F - $2,200.00

4) Action Page

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Action Page received

The Committee discussed the idea of meeting with School District #27 Trustees from Zones 4,5,6.  Item tabled

The Committee adjourned at 4:23pm

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