Monday, January 26, 2015

COW Session (2015 Operation Budget) - Quesnel Council

Present - Mayor Simpson (Chair); Councillors Brisco, Coleman, Elliot, Paull, Roodenburg, Thapar


Byron Johnson - City Manager
Gina Albers - Deputy Corporate Administrator
Ken Coombs - Director of Public Works/Engineering
Kari Bolton - Director of Finance/Corporate Services
Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services
Carol Anderson - Communications Supervisor

Meeting called to order at 7pm

A moment of silence was held to pay silent tribute to RCMP Const. David Wynn who died in the line of duty in St. Albert, Alberta


The Chair reviewed the recommendations of the Finance Sustainability/Audit Committee (FSAC) from their Jan 7th/20th meetings

General discussion ensued...

The Director of Finance/Corporate Services reviewed the draft 2015 Operations Budget
General Discussion ensued...

Resolved - That the Spring Clean Up budget line be removed as recommended by FSAC

Resolved - That the WildSafe BC supplemental budget request remain in the draft 2015 Operational Budget.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Simpson; Councillors Brisco, Coleman, Elliot, Roodenburg, and Thapar

Negative - Councillor R. Paull

Resolved - That the $15,000 for the website redesign remain in the budget, subject to the approved Communications Work Plan by way of recommendation from the Executive Committee to Council

Resolved - That it be recommended to Council:

Staff be directed to continue moving forward with the Budget as presented and
recommended by the Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee including:

a. The proposed cuts to the benchmark budget
b. The supplementals of $31,500
c. The increase to the Capital Reinvestment Reserve of $675,000 (5%)

The Chair called for public input -- 1 member of the public addressed the Committee concerning Recreation Facility spending. It was noted this is primarily done through the North Cariboo Joint Committee (Quesnel Council + CRD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I)

Meeting concluded at 8:29pm

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