Friday, January 23, 2015

CRD Board Mtg Highlights - Jan 23rd

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, and Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Reid - CFO
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:45am
Meeting agenda approved/CRD Board Minutes of Dec 12th, 2014 approved


Planning Bylaws:

1) Bylaw 4942 (Area E) was given 1st/2nd Reading

2) Bylaw 4931 (Area I) was given 3rd Reading by the following Stakeholder-Weighted (EA Directors' only) vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Coakley, Wagner, William

Negative - Directors Forseth, Anderson, Bruce, Sorley, Cash

3) Bylaws 4741/4742 (Area G) were adopted

Planning/Bylaw Enforcement/Building Inspection

1) The Board agreed to appoint Brent Rutherford, Graham Leslie, Jim Gibson, Elizabeth Hunter, George Atamanenko and Phyllis Webstad for another two year term ending December 31, 2016 on the Heritage Steering Committee and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Barry Sales for his participation on the Committee

2) The Board directed staff to prepare the proposed amendments to Cariboo Regional District Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 4714

Meeting recessed at 10:50am
Meeting resumed at 11:01am

3) The Board received a report of the Manager of Development Services (K.Moores) concerning a rejected request to use the SPCA to deal with dangerous dogs as defined under the Livestock Act in Kersley (Area 'A') and request information on whether or not SPCA pick up dogs in the City of Quesnel

4) The Board received Building Stats reports for November 2014

Environmental Services:

1) The Board received the Proposed Water/Sewer Projects report

2) The Board received the Rural Refuse Inspection Site report

3) The Board agreed to submit a grant application to the Small Communities Fund for two thirds funding for the provision of water and sewer services in the Mountview area. If the grant award is successful, a referendum be held within 6 months to establish a local service, authorize the borrowing of funds to complete the project, as well as establishment of a user fee bylaw to cover the annual operating and asset replacement costs

4) The Board agreed to submit grant application to the Small Communities Fund for two thirds funding, recognizing that $800,000 of Community Works funds have already been committed, for the 108 Mile water treatment plant. If the grant is successful, a referendum be held within 6 months of the award date to authorize the borrowing of funds to complete the project and associated asset replacement costs for the water treatment plant

5) Late Item - The Board received a report from the Env. Services Mgr regarding request from Spectra Energy to comment on their integrated Pest Management Plan

Community Services:

1) The Board agreed to submit NDIT Grant applications as follows:

a) Cedar Point Park -- boat launch/dock and shower house
b) Sign on Highway 97 near Dunkley Lumber, north of Quesnel, to advertise back route from Likely to Barkerville
c) 3 Mountain Bike Trails on Fox Mountain
d) Community Building with office space & industrial kitchen on the Likely Community Hall site

2) The Board agreed to approve Community Works Funding for a potable water system at the Likely Community Hall

3) The Board agreed to provide a letter of support for the Likely Chamber of Commerce for their application to the NDIT's Business Facade Improvement Program

Protective Services:

1) The Board received a letter from E-Comm 911 recognizing the new partnership between a number of Regional Districts (CRD, RRFFG, etc) and E-Comm 911

2) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Protective Services concerning the 2014 Annual Fire Chiefs' Workshop

Meeting recessed at 11:53am
Meeting resumed at 12:45pm

The Board then held an In-Camera (closed to the public) Meeting as per Section 90(1f, g and i) of the Community Charter at 12:46pm

Board resumed its' public meeting at 1:08pm

3) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Protective Services concerning birthday cards for Protective Service volunteers and directed Staff to look at cost of volunteer recognition pins and distribution/signature of certificates

4) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Protective Services concerning the Tsilhqot’in Community Emergency Preparedness: Building Relationships Meeting held on Jan 12/2015


1) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Communications concerning sponsorship opportunities at the forthcoming NCLGA AGM in Prince George, BC from May 6-8, 2015


1) The Board ratified the Dec 2014 Cheque Register in the amount of $2,510,451.99
2) The Board received a report of the CFO concerning Group Insurance for Elected Officials

3) Late Item - The Board agreed to increase the Canada Winter Games budget from $12,600 to $20,000 by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Cobb and Campsall - 14

Negative - Director S. Forseth - 1


1) The Board received the results of Special Voting confirming Director A. Richmond as the CRD rep. on the CC Beetle Action Coalition until Dec 31st, 2014

2) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer concerning 2015 NCLGA Resolutions

3) The Board received a letter from the District of Hudson's Hope concerning a 1 year moratorium for Site C.

4) The Board agreed to forward a letter of support to the Quesnel Skyfest Society to help the Society secure funds for the 2015 Skyfest event and referred the letter to the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus

5) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Jan 23rd

6) The Board received 1 item from UBCM/NCLGA affairs concerning Metro Vancouver's Bylaw 280 being rejected by the Minister of the Environment (Hon. M. Polak)

7) The Board received the Level 1 Corporate Priorities Report

8) The Board received 5 responses to Board Letters from Min. of Transportation and Forests re: 2014 UBCM, Federal Department of Industry re: 3500 Mhz Spectrum Consultation, Thank you letter from Village of Lac-Megantic and Ministry of Transportation re: Invasive Plants funding

9) Late Item - The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer regarding the Area 'J' Alternate Director

10) Late Item - At the request of the Board Chair, the date of the Feb 2015 Board meeting was changed to Wed Feb 18th, 2015

Reports from Committees or Commissions:

1) The Board received the minutes of the Dec 10th, 2014 meeting of the Anahim Lake Airport Commission and approved two recommendations from that meeting

2) The Board received the minutes of the meetings of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus held on December 12th/19th, 2014 and approved recommendations from the Dec 19th meeting concerning 2015 Grants for Assistance

3) The Board received the minutes of the Dec 16th, 2014 North Cariboo Joint Committee and approved 2 recommendations from that meeting

4) The Board received the minutes of the Jan 7th meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting and approved 5 recommendations from that meeting including 2015 Grant for Assistance to Mt Timothy, Canada Day celebrations put on by the City of WL and 3 recommendations concerning the Sam Ketchum Pool Renovations Project

5) The Board received the minutes of the Jan 13th meeting of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus and approved two recommendations from that meeting (Improved Access to Nechako Basin & timing of Agenda Items to the Rural Caucus)

6) The Board endorsed a recommendation of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus concerning External Committee Appointments for 2015


1) Late Item - The Board received a letter from Williams Lake Mayor W. Cobb re: 1st Winter Carnival in Williams Lake on Jan 31st and Feb 1st, 2015

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to CRD Bylaws #4944/4945 (Areas G/H)

Directors' Requests:

1) Director B. Coakley (Area L) - Board received a letter from the Watch Lake-North Green Lake Ind. VFD regarding collection of fire dues from area residents and asked Staff to report back on this matter

2) Director B. Anderson (Area K) - Board agreed to authorize a letter of support in regards to a plan to reduce the wolf population in BC as requested from the Big Creek Livestock Association

3) Director J. Bruce (Area B) - Board agreed to authorize up to $500 from the Area B Director Initiative Fund for two local meetings to discuss local gov't issues with the Area B Director

4) Board authorized External Committee appointments as follows:

Municipal Finance Authority
Director Al Richmond
Alternate - Director Margo Wagner

Fraser Basin Council
Director John Massier
Alternate - Director Steve Forseth

Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Committee
Director Robin Sharpe
Alternate - Director Joan Sorley

Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional Advisory Committee
Director Margo Wagner
Director Dylan Cash

5) Director S. Forseth (Area D) - Board agreed to request Staff to report back on feasibility of webcasting meetings at the March 5th Finance/Budget Committee meeting

6) Director S. Forseth (Area D) - Board received an information item concerning application for RD appointment to the RCMP Contract Management Committee

Roundtable session held where Directors' reported on affairs in Electoral Areas or Municipalities

At Request of Director Armstrong - letter of thanks to be forwarded to Ms. Charlotte Kurta for her services on the Area 'A' Advisory Planning Commission

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