Thursday, January 29, 2015

CRD CC Budget Mtg - 5pm Session

Present - CRD Chair A. Richmond and Directors S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley; W. Cobb

Staff - J. Bell - CAO; S. Burich - Mgr of Communications; S. Reid - CFO; A. Jeffery - Mgr of Procurement; K. Erickson - Mgr of Finance

Public: 3
Media: 1 (WL Tribune)

Session called to order at 5pm

The CAO introduced elected officials and Staff present

The CAO then played a Powerpoint Presentation


* Do outside grants count at 11% of the entire CRD Budget?
* Break-down of percentage (7.1%) between Quesnel/WL (Improved Services)?
* Look at re-structuring at CRD
* Look at renewing/even expanding Rural Fringe Fire Protection area..
* Look at less direct award and more tendered contracts...
* Look at direct/true cost to run CC Recreation Complex
* Look at user fees for CC Recreation -- actual cost

Session concluded at 5:45pm

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