Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Finance Cmte mtgs start Thursday

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The public is invited to observe Finance Committee meetings this month as members begin discussions on the 2015 budget and 2016-2019 financial plan. In addition, residents are encouraged to take a look at the City’s books online at www.williamslake.ca.

“As we work on the budget, we will be targeting a 0% tax increase for 2015,” says Finance Committee Chair Councillor Scott Nelson. “We also want to be the most transparent community in B.C. We will have open, public budget meetings, and residents can see all of the City’s finances using the OpenGov system on the City’s website.”

“I encourage everyone to come out and listen as the Committee discusses spending and the community’s future,” says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb.

The OpenGov system displays the city's finances over a five-year period. The budget and expenses for all city departments and divisions are presented in graph form. It can be accessed at www.williamslake.ca/645/OpenGov--- The-City-of-Williams-Lake. Residents can also see the 2015 budget and revisions as Council deliberates and makes decisions in the coming weeks and months.

The Finance Committee which consists of City Councillors Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll, and Craig Smith - will meet at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers each Thursday in January to discuss the budget, beginning this week on January 8th. Meetings will also be held on the 15th, 22nd, and 29th of January.

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