Saturday, January 31, 2015

Steve's Jan 2015 Meeting Calendar/Expenses Submitted

During the month of Jan 2015 -- as the CRD Area 'D' Director, I attended the following meetings:

* Jan 7th Special CC Joint Committee Meeting
* Jan 9th - Observed swearing-in of new Area 'D' Alternate Director (P. Webstad)
* Jan 14th - Presented "Award of Appreciation" to local paramedic Megan Ferguson, along with Wildwood VFD Fire Chief Randy Worsley, for her assistance with the Wildwood VFD First Responders

* Jan 22nd - In-Camera Treaty Advisory Committee Mtg
* Jan 23rd - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings
* Jan 28th - CC Rural Caucus and Joint Committee meetings
* Jan 29th - CRD Central Cariboo Budget Consultation Meeting

As for expenses submitted during the month of January 2015 (these have not yet been approved):

* Reimburse difference to switch car insurance from "Personal" to "Business" class - $56.00
* Jan 23rd CRD Board Meeting -- $185.00
* Jan 28th CC Rural Caucus Meeting - $75.00
* Jan 28th CC Joint Committee Meeting - $75.00


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Steve for your transparency... now if we could only get Williams Lake city council to post their monthly expenses submitted for reimbursement on a monthly basis, that would the start of open, honest government.
