Monday, February 9, 2015

$6.9 million in BC Arts Council Grants Allocated

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

More than $6.9 million is being provided to 277 artists, museums and arts organizations in 97 British Columbia communities as part of the latest round of successful BC Arts Council grant adjudications.

Highlights of this most recent funding includes:

$1.47 million to museums
Almost $900,000 to 71 community arts councils
$780,000 towards professional arts festivals
$1.95 million to 31 visual arts organizations
$430,000 to 50 creative writers

These most recent awards are a result of applications examined by the BC Arts Council’s independent peer-review process between Nov. 1, 2014, and Jan. 31, 2015.

The funding is part of the $24 million provided to the BC Arts Council by the Government of British Columbia to support the province’s arts and culture sector in 2014-15.

For a full list of recent recipients, visit:

As British Columbia’s lead agency for arts funding and development, the BC Arts Council enlists the expertise of the province’s artistic community to evaluate grant applications independent of government.

Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes stated -

“Arts and culture are key building blocks for creative and vibrant communities and they are essential to our quality of life and competitiveness. The arts and culture sector is a significant contributor to our provincial economy and is vital in the promotion of British Columbia as a prime location to visit, work, live and invest.”

Quick Facts:

Again this year, the Government of British Columbia is providing $24 million for the BC Arts Council - the highest level of funding in the council’s history. Overall, the Government of British Columbia invested $60 million in B.C.’s artists, arts organizations and cultural institutions in 2014-2015.

Last year, council approved in excess of 1,000 grants in more than 200 communities in every region of the province.

Since 2001, the Government of British Columbia has provided more than half a billion dollars for arts and culture in B.C.

For the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region:


Island Mountain Arts Society -- $22,500


Quesnel & District Community Arts Council -- $8,030

Williams Lake:

Central Interior Regional Arts Council - $6,000
Community Arts Council of Williams Lake - $5,517

100 Mile House:

100 Mile & District Arts Council - $3,647

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