Wednesday, February 18, 2015

CRD Board Highlights - Feb 18th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond, Vice-Chair T. Armstrong; Directors Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
T. Conway - Deputy Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Agenda approved/Jan 23rd CRD Board meeting minutes adopted as corrected


Delegations MOB Received

Planning Bylaws:

a) Bylaw #4943 (Area F) was given 1st/2nd Reading
b) Bylaws #4938/4939 (Area L) was given 3rd Reading
c) Bylaw #4940 (Area F) was given 3rd Reading
d) Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw #4946 was given 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading and Adoption
e) Bylaws #4816/4817 (Area L) were adopted

ALR Applications:

a) The Board approved for submission to the Provincial Ag Land Commission - ALR Application #ALRF20140018

Planning/Building Inspection/Bylaw Enforcement - Other Business:

a) The Board agreed to provide a letter of support to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for an Addition to Reserve - Williams Lake Indian Band
b) The Board received the Building Stats for the month of Jan 2015

Environmental Services:

a) The Board received the Water/Sewer Projects report as of Feb 18th
b) The Board authorized Staff to proceed with an amendment to Invasive Plant Bylaw #4740 as follows:

Section 5 of Bylaw 4740 be amended to reduce the control period from twenty-one (21) days to fourteen (14) days.

by the following Stakeholder Vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Forseth, Massier, William, Armstrong, Bruce, Wagner, Cash, Coakley, Sharpe, and Cobb

Negative - Directors Kemp, Anderson, Sorley

c) The Board received the 2014 Year End Report for the Invasive Plant Management Program
d) The Board authorized a new Policy regarding Enforcement of Invasive Plant Infractions as follows:

Bylaw 4740 prohibits the accumulation of invasive plants on private property and authorizes the Weed Control Officer to order the removal or treatment of
invasive plants. Threats posed by invasive plants vary between individual species and their associated site conditions. The annual Cariboo Chilcotin Coast
Invasive Plant Committee Regional Strategic Plan and the Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group Early Detection Rapid Response Plan identifies those species with the
most significant concern requiring treatment on a prioritized scale as related to the potential threat.

Depending on site conditions, some species require immediate attention, while others can be treated over a longer time period. When administering Bylaw 4740, the Weed Control Officer shall ensure property owners are given the opportunity to voluntarily remove or treat before enforcement actions are taken. The time allotted for voluntary property owner compliance should be proportionate to the
threat posed by the invasive plants.

Pursuant to Section 5 of the Bylaw 4740, if after the expiry of the written notice deadline the property owner has not complied with the notice from the Weed Control Officer, the Cariboo Regional District by its employees, agents or contractors are authorized to enter the property to control the invasive plants by any means necessary

Community Services:

a) The Board authorized a Northern Development Initiative Trust application for improvements to Bouchie Lake Community Hall

Meeting recessed at 11:00am
Meeting resumed at 11:04am


a) Roy Allan, President of the Watch Lake/North Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department, appeared before the Board to discuss collection of fire dues by the Cariboo RD.

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Allan for his time/information

Resolved - That Staff report back on the presentation of the Watch Lake/North Green Lake VFD

b) Kimberly Vance-Lundsbye, Healthy Communities Grant Researcher, and Mark Pugh, from Acute Services for Interior Health appeared before the Board to provide an update on Healthy Communities activities.

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved - That the final report for Mental Health services be shared with others...

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:57am
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm

Protective Services:

a) The Board approved the following in regards to the "Playbook" - Provincial Fire Commissioners' new fire training standards guide:

1) the Cariboo Regional District request amendments to the BC Fire Service
Minimum Training Standards Playbook that clarify the definitions of “authority
having jurisdiction” to clarify that Regional Districts are only responsible for
those fire departments they operate directly and instances in which an exterior
operation level service may enter an interior space.

2) the Cariboo Regional District investigate what other regional districts are
doing with respect to fire related safety inspections in the rural areas and the
implications of advising the Fire Commissioner’s Office that Cariboo Regional
District volunteers will no longer act in the capacity of Local Assistant Fire


a) The Board declared the month of March 2015 as "Toastmasters Month" in the Cariboo-Chilcotin at no cost to the Board
b) The Board received the 2015 Budget Consultation Survey Results and Meeting Notes


a) The Board ratified the cheque register for Jan 2015 in the amount of $2,579,237.26


a) The Board received a letter from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers regarding its efforts in reversing Canada Post’s proposed plan for changes

b) The Board received an Agenda Item Summary from the Corporate Officer regarding a call from NCLGA for a past resolution that requires follow-up action. The Board further approved the following previous NCLGA Resolution for follow-up:

* Palliative Care Fees

c) The Board received a letter from Industry Canada indicating that Industry Minister James Moores is unable to appear before the Board at this time, due to his heavy work schedule

d) The Board received a request from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association – 2017 Cariboo Celebration

e) The Board received an Agenda item summary from the Corporate Officer regarding Policy #11-10A-26, which calls for interested elected officials to put their name forward for the CRD’s appointment to the NCLGA Board

f) The Board received an Agenda item summary from the Corporate Officer regarding the Alternate Director for Electoral Area 'J'

g) The Board endorsed the following proposed NCLGA Resolution for consideration at the 2015 NCLGA Convention:


WHEREAS the forest industry continues to be an economic mainstays of the
province, providing stable employment for tens of thousands of families, and
contributing $12.4 billion to provincial GDP and $2.5 billion in taxes and fees
to the three levels of government;

AND WHEREAS the competitive advantage of the British Columbia forest
industry has been eroded by cumulative impacts including timber supply
declines, uncertainty on the land base, and delays in provincial market pricing

AND WHEREAS these cumulative impacts threaten the economic well-being
of communities throughout British Columbia;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the NCLGA call upon the Province to
deliver the full allowable cut under the BC Timber Sales program, complete a
science-based inventory of the available timber supply, and move assertively to
increase operating certainty on the working forest land base.

Board Reports/Correspondence:

a) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Feb 18th, 2015

b) The Board received the Level 1 Corporate Priorities Report

c) The Board received a letter from the Minister of Aborginal Relations regarding the Treaty Advisory Commitee's letter on NStQ Treaty Settlement Lands

Committtee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the Jan 13th North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes and endorsed 2 recommendations (Alex Fraser Park/Bouchie Lake Recreation Capital Budgets) from that meeting

b) The Board received the Jan 20th North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting minutes and endorsed 1 Recommendation (Continue participation in QCEDC) from that meeting

c) The Board received the Jan 22nd Treaty Advisory Committee meeting minutes

d) The Board received the Jan 28th Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting minutes and endorsed 2 Recommendations (Appointments to local Committees and changes to Gavin Lk Forest Education Society Grant in Aide application) from that meeting

e) The Board received the Jan 28th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes and endorsed 2 Recommendations (CC Recreation 2015 Business Plan Goal and change to 2015 CC Recreation Budget) from that meeting

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board adopted Bylaws #4944/4945 (Areas G/H)

Directors' Requests:

a) The Board appointed various individuals to the Electoral Area A to L Advisory Planning Commissions

b) The Board endorsed a request of Director B. Anderson (Area K) in regards to a letter of support to maintain Grouse Rd as a public road

c) The Board endorsed a request of Director J. Massier (Area C) to send a letter to the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure to change the name of a portion of McLean Rd off of the Barkerville Highway (Highway 26)

The Board then held an In-Camera meeting under the provisions of Sections 90(1g - litigation) of the Community Charter) at 2:22pm and resumed its' public meeting at 2:41pm

Directors' then reported on activities or made appointments in their Electoral Area or Municipality

Resolved - That TELUS be invited to present on wireless and internet services in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region at a future Board meeting

Meeting adjourned at 3:25pm

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