Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jr B Hockey back in Williams Lake?

A Facebook page has been started to gauge interest in bringing Junior 'B' Hockey back to Williams Lake...

The last time the Central Cariboo region saw a Jr B Hockey Team in Williams Lake was the WL Mustangs who last played in the City in the mid 90's...

It'll be interesting to see where this goes....

View the Facebook page here



  1. Hey Steve

    Timberwolves were Junior A. The last team that was Junior B in the Lakecity were the Williams Lake Mustangs who last played in the 95/96 season with Ken Crandall behind the bench. Dale Taylor.

  2. As soon as the last two Junior teams pay their outstanding bills I will support this. I'm told the last TWolves alone owe the Complex $60k+.
