Tuesday, February 24, 2015

WL Council Highlights - Feb 24th mtg

Present - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Nelson, Smith, Walters and Zacharias


D. Garceau - City Manager
C. Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
M. Stewart - Director of Finance
C. Hutton - Planner
B. Foote - Senior Bylaw Officer

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda approved with late items and minutes of the Feb 10th, 2015 WL City Council meeting being adopted


1) Bob Gibney and Shelley Thompson from Fortis BC appeared before Council to discuss upcoming Fortis BC Projects in Williams Lake Area

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Thompson and Mr. Gibney for their time/information


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 12 and 19, 2015

2) Council gave 1st Reading to OCP/Zoning Amendment Bylaws No. 2229 & 2230 (18 Woodland Drive) and directed a Public Information Meeting be held on March 11th at 7pm in WL Council Chambers

3) Council gave 1st/2nd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2226 (Metal Shipping Containers - Regulations amendment) and a Public Hearing was set for March 24 at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers

4) Council ratified 3 Email Polls to confirm the following:

a) Proclaim the week of February 15 to 22, 2015 as "Guide/Scout Week" in the City of Williams Lake

b) Authorize submission of a revised application to the New Building Canada Fund - Small Communities Fund (NBCF-SCF) program for the River Valley Sewer Trunk Upgrades project for an updated total value of $4.2 million, from $3.2 million, with the City's share of approximately $1,400,000 to come from sewer reserves

c) Authorize early budget approval for the purchase of an asphalt recycler up to the amount of $65,000

5) Council adopted two Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) That Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #7-2015, together with the report of the Events and Marking Coordinator dated January 19, 2015 regarding the BC Mountain Bike Tourism Association 2015 Symposium, be received and the recommendation that the Central Cariboo Recreation budget be amended to include a contribution of up to $4,000 for the event be endorsed

b) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #8-2015, the agenda item summary of Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, Cariboo Regional District dated January 23, 2015 regarding the Sam Ketcham Pool Project Working Group meeting notes of January 22, 2015 be received for information.

6) Council encouraged the community to participate in this year's Nutrition Run - Sunday, April 12th at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

7) Council adopted Smoke-Free Bylaw #2227, 2015

8) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Nuxalk Nation bid application to host the Junior All-Native 2016 Basketball Tournament in the City of Williams Lake during Spring Break of March 2016.

9) Council received a letter from the Cariboo Regional District regarding the nomination period for appointments of Regional District representatives to the NCLGA Executive Board

10) Council received the minutes of the Jan 28th Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting

11) Council received a letter from the BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society dated February 6, 2015 requesting a donation in the amount of $200 towards their BC Without Barriers campaign

12) Council proclaimed the following:

a) "National Public Works Week" - week of May 17 to 23, 2015
b) "Daffadil Month" - April 2015

13) Late Item - Council agreed to endorse submission of a joint (Cariboo RD, Cities of Quesnel/WL & Districts of Wells and 100 Mile House) NCLGA Resolution titled "Support for Forest Industry" as follows:


WHEREAS the forest industry continues to be an economic mainstays of the province, providing stable employment for tens of thousands of families, and contributing $12.4 billion to provincial GDP and $2.5 billion in taxes and fees to the three levels of government;

AND WHEREAS the competitive advantage of the British Columbia forest industry has been eroded by cumulative impacts including timber supply declines, uncertainty on the land base, and delays in provincial market pricing processes;

AND WHEREAS these cumulative impacts threaten the economic well-being of communities throughout British Columbia;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the NCLGA call upon the Province to deliver the full allowable cut under the BC Timber Sales program, complete a
science-based inventory of the available timber supply, and move assertively to increase operating certainty on the working forest land base.

14) Late Item #2 - Council received the following In-Camera reports for information:

a) In-Camera Report #1/15 - Change CC Ec Dev Corporation Board Directors from 8 to 10

b) In-Camera Report #2/15 - Old CC Ec Dev Corporation Board Directors' Removal

c) In-Camera Report #3/15 - Appoint new CC Ec Dev Corporation Board Directors as follows:

 Larry Stranberg, Dr. Doug Neufeld, John Dell, Sue Lachance, Paul French, Amy Thacker, Vic Sharman, Stephan Hoezier, Tyrel Lucas and Dave Walgren

15) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

• February 6, 2015 - Ministry of Advanced Education re Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan;
• February 18, 2015 - CRD Board Highlights;
• February 19, 2015 - Introduction from NDP Spokesperson for Rural and Northern Health;
• February 20, 2015 - Social Planning Council February 20, 2015 Community Update Newsletter.

Meeting recessed at 6:35pm

Public Hearing on Bylaw #2225 (664 Oliver St - Sandman Inn) at 7:00pm

Meeting resumed at 7:02pm

16) After a public hearing - Council gave 3rd Reading to Bylaw #2225 and referred it to the Ministry of Transportation for approval as per the Transportation Act

Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm

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