Monday, March 2, 2015

2017 BC Election Head Start?

Earlier today - a Twitter follower appeared in my Twitter feeds called BC NDP - HUH?

This new Twitter user also produced a quick 1 min YouTube video critical of the BC NDP on their stance on LNG.  Watch below:

On a related matter - Gary Mason of the Globe and Mail also said on a possible NDP win in 2017:

Even without a single agreement for an LNG terminal, the Liberals look to be difficult to unseat in 2017 as things stand now

Read Mr. Mason's full column here

While it is too soon to make firm predications of the BC Liberals' chances of re-election in 2017, it will be most interesting to see how each political party (BC Liberals, NDP, Greens, Conservatives) will campaign in 2017 and how that will play out in the final determination of the 41st Parliament of BC but I do agree with Mr. Mason in that the BC Liberals chances of being defeated are remote while the BC NDP have internal problems to resolve before 2017 while it'll be interesting to see what type of campaign the BC Conservatives/BC Greens decide to launch in the 2017 Election


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