Tuesday, March 17, 2015

BC's 10 Year Transportation Plan released

This afternoon - BC's Transportation Minister Todd Stone released BC's 10 Year Transportation Plan which speaks to invest $2.5 billion over the next 3 years in the Plan which calls for 12 Priorities as follows:

1) Rehabilitating Highways, Bridges and Side Roads
2) Improving Highway Safety
3) Improving Highway Capacity and Reliability
4) Delivering a Provincial Trucking Strategy
5) Investing in Cycling
6) Supporting Transit
7) Investing in Airports
8) Enabling Efficient Ports and Rail
9) Sustaining and Renewing Ferries
10) Building Partnerships with First Nations
11) Improving Accessibility
12) Protecting the Environment

Minister Stone goes on to say:

“The best possible transportation network is vital to the daily lives of every single British Columbian and is one of the most important foundations of a strong economy. B.C. on the Move is the roadmap for the next 10 years on how we will expand and improve our transportation network to ultimately improve the quality of life for us all.”

The Plan calls for major investments in Highways in BC including the Cariboo-Connector program including completing Phase 2 projects in the Cariboo Connector program, 4 laning south of Williams Lake and initiating planning for priorities projects in the Cariboo Connector area (PG to Cache Creek) in future years.  It is noted that, after Phase 2 is completed, nearly 50% of the Cariboo Connector corridor will either be 3 or 4 lanes wide which will result in less driver frustration, less time travelled and a safer highway (I personally dispute this last statement, given how well highways near Prince George were maintained this past winter).  The Plan notes that the 4 lane construction program for the stretch of Highway 97 between PG to Quesnel (Stone Creek to Williams Road) will commence later this year

The Plan also notes better accessibility features at rest stops throughout BC and more accessible taxis throughout BC will be part of this 10 year plan

Read the Plan for yourself here

All in all - a good Transportation Plan for BC!

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