Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Society receives $$$

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Society has received $129,000 in support thanks to a Community Gaming Grant from the provincial government.

“The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Society is grateful to receive funding to continue and develop programming for youth through the Youth Drop-in Centre,” says Lloyd Garner, the Family Services Manager of the Society. “This funding will assist CFEC in achieving our strategic goal of Strengthening the Quality of Personal, Family and Community life by providing important services to children and families of the South Cariboo.”

“The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre Society is a fundamental organization that strengthens the quality of lives of so many individuals,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “This funding will continue to improve the lives and children and families in the 100 Mile House region and help build a healthier, safer and stronger community.”

The grant has been awarded under the Human and Social Services category of the Community Gaming Grant Program, which allows non-profit organizations to apply for provincial gaming revenues. Gaming Grants are also awarded in the categories of Arts and Culture, Public Safety, and the Environment.

In the 2012/13 fiscal year, our government distributed a total of $135 million in gaming grants for eligible community programs and services.

Organizations interested in applying for Community Gaming Grants can find full application information at

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