Friday, March 27, 2015

CRD Board - March 27th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond, Vice-Chair T. Armstrong; Directors Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley,Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
L. Schick - Deputy Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:48am

Meeting Agenda approved/March 6th CRD Board meeting minutes adopted

Delegation MOB received

Resolved - That Strategic Planning be moved to May 13th

Planning/Building Inspection/Bylaw Enforcement:

1) Bylaws #4791/4792 (Area G) were adopted
2) DVP #1/2015 (Area L) was approved

3) The Board approved the following in regards to Quesnel/WL Fringe OCP Bylaws, Internal amendments:

a) First, second and third readings given for Cariboo Regional District Official Community Plan (Quesnel Fringe Area) Amendment Bylaw No. 4437, 2008 be rescinded.

b) First, second and third readings given for Cariboo Regional District Official Community Plan (Quesnel Fringe Area) Amendment Bylaw No. 4783, 2012 be rescinded.

c) That the Board authorize new bylaws be brought forward amending the new Quesnel Fringe OCP BL 4844.

d) That the Board authorize the internal OCP amendment for the Williams Lake Fringe OCP be brought to the Board.

e) That the Board authorize that the fees associated with the three new bylaws be waived as per Policy PL4.2.

4) Building Stats for Feb 2015 were received

Environmental Services:

a) Water/Sewer Projects Report was received

b) The Board agreed to advise Northwest Hydraulic Consultants that the Cariboo Regional District has no interest in considering the proposed Cariboo Region Cooperative Maintenance and Enhancement of Agricultural Dams Project

c) The Board appointed Emily Sonntag, Laura Wakelam, and Mitch Minchau as the Cariboo Regional District Weed Control Officers as per Section 2(h) of the Invasive Plant Management Regulation Bylaw

d) The Board received the Refuse Site Inspection Report

e) That the Manager of Development Services and Environmental Services report back on options on dealing with illegal dumping on Crown lands

Community Services:

a) The Board agreed to provide a letter of support to the Interlakes Economic Association for their application to NDIT for their Business Façade Improvement Program by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, and Campsall - 14

Negative - Director M.Wagner - 1

b) The Board approved up to $11,000 to install energy efficient exterior doors at the Williams Lake Sportsmen’s Association Clubhouse. Funding to come from the 2015 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund

c) The Board approved up to $6,000 for work to prevent basement flooding and install insulation at the Alice Singleton Heritage House. Funding to come from the 2015 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund


a) The Board proclaimed May 17-23, 2015 as National Public Works Week throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin


a) The Board ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report for the month of February 2015, in the amount of $568,482.52
b) The Board approved the Audit Engagement Letter for the annual 2014 Audit by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, and Campsall - 14

Negative - Director S. Forseth - 1

c) The Board authorized the Resolution in regards to the Procurement Card program with the Bank of Montreal

d) Late Item - The Board received a sponsorship request from the Little Britches Rodeo and authorized funds of $50 from each of Areas G, H, L Discretionary Fund for sponsorship of the Rodeo


a) The Board authorized a Special Occasion Liquor License for the Watch Lake / Green Lake Community Association to hold a beer garden in conjunction with a Gymkhana, at Bonaparte Road on July 11, 2015 and August 8, 2015

b) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer regarding disqualified candidates for the 2018 Local Government Election

c) The Board received a letter from the Third Crossing Society regarding its promotion of a highway link between northern Vancouver Island and the Central Interior

d) Late Item - The Board received a report of the Executive Assistant concerning the 2015 FCM Conference, waived policy and authorized Directors' Sorley and Wagner to attend with costs to be charged to the Area F and H Director Initiative Fund

e) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of March 27th

f) The Board received 3 Items pertaining to UBCM:

i) Minutes of the 2014 UBCM Convention
ii) UBCM FNTC Report - Feedback requested by April 3rd
iii) Port Moody - Proposed Closure of Burrard Thermal Plant

g) The Board received the Level 1 and 2 Corporate Priorities Reports

Meeting recessed at 10:53am

At 11:02am - the Board convened an In-Camera meeting as per Section 90(1j) of the Community Charter

At 11:32am -- The Board resumed its' public meeting and recessed to CCRHD Board meeting
At 12:45pm - The Board resumed its' meeting

h) The Board received the Prioritization of Board Resolutions Report

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the March 9th Parcel Tax Review Panel meeting minutes

b) The Board received the March 5th Policy Committee and approved two recommendations:

i) Investment Policy
ii) Procurement Policy

c) The Board received the March 6th Finance/Budget Committee and approved several recommendations as follows:

i) Change to Business Plan - NC HandyDART
ii) Grants for Assistance - Areas G and L
iii) Additional Utility Operator
iv) Emergency Planning Goals for 2015

d) The Board received the Feb 25th CC Rural Caucus meeting minutes

e) The Board received the Feb 25th CC Joint Committee meeting minutes.  Director Forseth declared a conflict of interest on Recommendation #1 from the CC Joint Committee meeting on Feb 25th and left the meeting at 12:58pm The recommendation from that meeting is as follows:

That correspondence from Mark Snowball, President of the Williams Lake Powder Kings Snowmobile Club, dated February 6, 2015, regarding a grant request, be received. Further, that correspondence be forwarded to the Powder Kings, informing them that the deadline for 2015 Grants For Assistance has passed, and providing them with details regarding the deadline and procedures for submitting an application for the 2016 Grants For Assistance.

Director Forseth returned to the meeting at 1:00pm

The Board also approved Recommendation #2 from the Feb 25th CC Joint Committee as follows:

ii) That a subcommittee be struck to look into the reestablishment of a joint Grants for Assistance process between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake. Further that the subcommittee be comprised of Councillor Laurie Walters and Director of Financial Services Margaret Stewart from the City of Williams Lake; and Director Steve Forseth and Chief Financial Officer Scott Reid from the Cariboo Regional District.

Late Item - the Board approved a recommendation from the March 25th CC Joint Committee meeting as follows:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated March 13, 2015, regarding the Sam Ketcham Pool Project Working Group meeting notes of February 26 and March 11, 2015, be received. Further, that the recommendation from the working group to award the contract for project management services to Tango Management at a value of $185,000 be endorsed and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary agreement. Further, that upon ratification by the CRD, a joint news release regarding the awarding of the contract be prepared and circulated.

f) The Board received the March 9th South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting minutes and approved 1 recommendation from that meeting as follows:

i) That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated February 27, 2015, regarding the letter report from BC Transit for potential transit service to Lone Butte and Forest Grove, be received. Further, that the transit extension not be pursued at this time due to the high cost for the limited service provided.

g) The Board received the March 9th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes and approved recommendations from that meeting as follows:

i) That the South Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw 4902 be amended such that the charge for a recreation pass for the 2016 season be increased to $200 per household and that the individual rate be discontinued

ii) That a letter be sent to the School District No. 27 Board of Trustees requesting a meeting to discuss the replacement of 100 Mile Elementary School, community access to schools, and shared recreation services. Further, that the Central Cariboo Joint Committee be advised of the meeting request

iii) That a potential framework and cost for a highway rescue service, which would include all of electoral areas G, H and L and the District of 100 Mile House be brought forward to the next meeting of the South Cariboo Joint Committee and that options to conduct a feasibility study, at an estimated cost of up to $40,000 to be cost-shared equally between the District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District, regarding the potential to enhance functionality of fire protection services in the South Cariboo while respecting the autonomy of individual departments, be brought forward to the next meeting of the South Cariboo Joint Committee

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:

a) South Cariboo Airport Fees and Charges Bylaw, Repeal Bylaw No. 4948, 2015
b) Cariboo Regional District 2015 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4951, 2015
c) Rural Refuse Sites Commercial Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4952, 2015

Directors' Requests:

a) At the request of Director Sorley -- The Board agreed to authorize up to $160 from the Area 'F' Director Initiative Fund for the cost of a cake to help celebrate volunteer appreciation in conjunction with a 35th birthday event for the Miocene Community Hall

b) At the request of Director Kemp - The Board agreed to write a letter to the Ministry of Transportation urging them to install a turning lane and street lights at the junction of Highway 97 and Enterprise Road & mention that the 10 year plan should include a turning lane during the four-laning project (Cariboo Connector program - Phase 2)

c) At the request of Director Forseth - The Board agreed to write a letter asking MOTI to consider alternatives to currently used road line paint

d) At the request of Director Sorley - The Board agreed to support the following for the Orange Shirt Committee:

i) Support in principle for an allocation of $1500 as sponsorship for the 2015 activities in 100 Mile House and Williams Lake and Staff report back on funding this item from EA Administration budget

ii) Support-in-principle for a Reconciliation Workshop to be held in Williams Lake as one of the 100 committed to in partnership with UBCM and the Aboriginal Friendship Society of BC

e) The Board received Director Sorley's report from the recent NCLGA Board Meeting on March 13th/14th

f) Late Item - The Board received a report of Director Simpson in regards to the NDIT Beetle Fund

The Board convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1 i, j, k) and 2(b) of the Community Charter at 2:17pm

Directors' reported on their activities in their Electoral Area/Municipality

Resolved - That the following persons be appointed to the Parkland Recreation Commission for a term of one year, on an interim basis, while a strategic review of the North Cariboo Parks and Recreation function takes place:

Paul Mednis
Rhoda Miller
Tara Johima
Lian Wiggins

Resolved - That the following persons be appointed as members of the Kersley Community Association:

Cathy Berlinguette
Donna Campbell
Harold Gillin
Bert Koning
Larry Martens
Vi Martens
Barry McLennan
Kathie Prentice
Terry Sawatsky

The Board adjourned at 3:42pm

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