Friday, March 6, 2015

CRD Board Meeting - March 6th

Present: Chair A. Richmond, Vice-Chair T. Armstrong; Directors Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley,Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services
T. Conway - Chief Building Official/Deputy Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Meeting Agenda approved & Feb 18th CRD Board Meeting Minutes adopted


Planning/Bylaw Enforcement/Building Inspection:

1) Delegation MOB received.  Further that the delegation of Bill McQuarrie, Executive Director, Interior Science Innovation Council be removed from the Delegation MOB.

2) After a Public Hearing - Board gave 3rd Reading to Bylaw #4942 (Area E)

3) The Board adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Bylaws 4767/4768 (Area L)
b) Bylaw 4931 (Area I) Approved by the following Stakeholder Vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Massier, Kemp, Wagner, Coakley - 6
Negative - Directors Bruce, Forseth, Sorley, Cash and Anderson - 5

4) The Board rejected a request to remove a condition to DVP #40/2014 (Area L) by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Sorley, Cash, Anderson

Negative - Directors Kemp, Wagner and Coakley

5) The Board adopted Building Bylaw #4947, 2015 (Re-align Climate Zones)

6) The Board received a report of the Chief Building Official regarding BC's new Building Act

7) The Board received Building Stats for the month of Jan 2015

8) The Board received the 2014 Bylaw Enforcement Report

9) The Board received a report from the Manager of Development Services concerning aggressive dogs in Kersley (Area A) and the Board request for further information around dog control services in the City of Quesnel and Staff look into a dog control service for the Red Bluff/Kersley and West Fraser areas

Meeting recessed at 10:38am
Meeting resumed at 10:51am

Protective Services:

1) The Board authorized entering into an agreement with the RD of Fraser-Fort George regarding a new 9-1-1 Service Contract


1) The Board agreed to appoint Directors Richmond, Wagner and Coakley to the 2015 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel

2) The Board agreed to re-appoint Director Sorley to the NCLGA Board of Directors

3) The Board authorized two 2015 Special Liquor Licenses as follows:

a) Watch Lake/Green Lake Business Association
b) Interlakes Community Association

4) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer regarding the Area 'J' Alternate Director

5) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of March 6th and that the Regional Director, Ministry of Forests to appear at a future Board meeting

6) The Board received two items pertaining to UBCM or NCLGA

a) City of Port Moody - Declaration of the Right to a Healthy Environment (UBCM)
b) NCLGA Feb 2015 Newsletter

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the Feb 16th South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus minutes and approved 1 recommendation pertaining to South Cariboo Committee appointments

2) The Board received the Feb 16th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes and approved two recommendations from that meeting (Use and Occupancy Agreement Renewal with the 100 Mile Agriplex Society and the Ag Enterprise Centre)

3) The Board received the Feb 17th North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting minutes and approved 2 recommendations from that meeting (Quesnel Skyfest Society’s 2015 Airshow and P4HC Committee - North Cariboo)

4) The Board received the Feb 17th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee meeting minutes and approved 1 recommendation from that meeting (Parkland Recreation - 2015 Capital Budget Request)


1) The Board received two invitation requests -- Interlakes Economic Assocation (Canada Day celebrations - 2015) and Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin - City of WL's 86th Birthday

Directors' Reports or Requests:

1) The Board received a report from Area 'C' Director J. Massier on the Feb 11th meeting of the Fraser Basin Council Board

2) At the request of Director J. Massier - the Board authorized a letter of support to the West Chilcotin Healthcare Society in its efforts to apply for funding for the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for the West Chilcotin

3) The Board appointed Phil Megyesi, Warren Eckshaw, Trampus Goodman, Brenda Bye, Jennifer Roberts and Sabrina Fraser to the Electoral Area 'I' Advisory Planning Commission at the request of Director D. Cash

4) At the request of Directors A. Richmond, M. Wagner and B. Coakley - the Board authorized a combined allocation of $500 for playoff towels for the 100 Mile Wranglers from the Area G, H and L Discretionary Fund by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Director S. Forseth

5) The Board received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer regarding the April 23rd Strategic Planning Session


Phyllis Webstad/Jerome Beauchamp from the Orange Shirt Day Committee appeared before the Board to give an update on the Committee's activities

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:54am
Meeting resumed at 12:45pm

Directors' gave oral reports from their Electoral Area or Municipality

Resolved - That a letter be forwarded to Bev Sellars (outgoing Xat'sull First Nations Chief) thanking her for her service to Xat'sull First Nations and wishing her well in her future endeavours

Resolved - That Shelley Thomson from FortisBC be invited to the Board's April meeting to give an update on their Fox Mountain natural gas line project

The Board then convened an In-Camera meeting as per Section 90(1b - Municipal Honour) and 90(2b - information held in confidence between local government, provincial gov't, federal gov't and a 3rd Party) of the Community Charter at 1:05pm with the Board resuming its' open meeting at 2:05pm

Directors' Reports' continued...

6) The Board received a letter of Williams Lake Mayor W. Cobb concerning a re-start of Mt Polley operations

Meeting adjourned at 2:13pm

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