Sunday, March 8, 2015

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day - a day to ponder and consider the advancement of women's rights' throughout time.  This day started in the early 1900's with women feeling oppressed and the issue of inequality so prevalent at that time and since then, women have stood up for things like equal pay for equal work and the right to vote

Read more on International Women's Day here while you can visit the International Women's Day website here

Watch a video below of women in provincial politics:

Meanwhile - locally , we also have dedicated women in elected office.  I think of people like Laurey-Anne Roodenburg (Quesnel City Councillor), Sue Zacharias/Laurie Walters (WL City Councillors') or even fellow Cariboo Regional District Directors' Joan Sorley (Area F), Margo Wagner (Area H) and new Director Betty Anderson in Area K.  These are people of whom I hold in high regard and they bring a different perspective to our decision-making table I so often appreciate...

Also - many of the Staff at the CRD office in Williams Lake are also women and I so appreciate their kindness, wisdom and dedication to the public and to myself as I fulfill my own role as Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District...

I look forward to the day when I hope to see the magic formula of half man/half women at the federal, provincial, regional and local levels of government...


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