Thursday, March 26, 2015

Prelim. Electoral Boundaries Commission Report released

Today - the BC Electoral Boundaries Commission consisting of:

* Mr. Justice Thomas Melnick, Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (Chair);
* Beverley Busson, O.B.C., former Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police;
* Keith Archer, Ph.D., Chief Electoral Officer for the Province of British Columbia

released their preliminary report for the Province's Electoral Map.  The Commission proposes changes to 49 of the Province's 85 Electoral Districts.  In addition, they propose that 2 new Electoral Districts be added in Surrey and Richmond.  Read the full report here

Meanwhile - in Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin, no major changes although Sugarcane and 150 Mile House and all of Williams Lake will now be including in Cariboo-Chilcotin, rather than Cariboo-North.  The remainder of Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin will remain the same as it exists today

Public input can be received on this report at or phone 1-800-661-8683.  Public hearings will be held in April/May with a deadline to provide input being midnight on May 26, 2015.  The final report will be released on September 25th, 2015


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