Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Quesnel COW/Council Session - March 23rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Barkerville Brewing Company
Council supported an application from the Barkerville Brewing Company for a Brewery Lounge Endorsement as part of the Liquor Licence and Review process. Community input was sought and there were no objections received. If approved by the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch, this lounge application will allow the microbrewery to serve single serve portions (by the glass or bottle) in their existing retail and tasting room location. The hours of liquor service requested are from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days per week.

Transit partnership renewed
Council approved entering into a Community Transit Partnership Agreement with Nazko First Nation for a term of one-year effective April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 with an option to renew for an additional year. 
This service is provided on a full cost recovery basis for the City.

Creek clean-up is on the way
Council approved providing assistance to the Baker Creek Enhancement Society with their clean-up initiatives for up to two trucks over two days to haul away materials extracted from creeks. The Society has been coordinating clean-up initiatives in the City’s waterways for over 20 years.

More bylaw and policy updates
Council gave the first three readings to amend four more bylaws and revision to one policy. The recommendation came from the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee (PABCOM) who meet twice a month to review and update the City’s policies and bylaws. Although the PABCOM is new this term, the process has been ongoing for years. The public is welcome to attend these meetings as well.
General amendments were made to the Noise Control Bylaw No. 1093, Soil Removal and Deposit Permit Bylaw No. 1260, Interest on Advance Payment of Taxes Bylaw No. 1269, and Sidewalk Food Vendors Bylaw No. 1299, and Municipal Ticketing Information (MTI) Bylaw No. 1320 to bring them current with regulations and the Community Charter.
The revision was made to the Half Masting of City Flags Policy CCR-14 to clarify when and why the City’s flag will be flown at half mast.

New location for Show and Shine
On the recommendation from the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee, Council allowed the Prospectors Car Club to use Lebourdais Park for their Annual Show and Shine on a one-year trial basis subject to several conditions. Staff was directed to work with the Prospectors Car Club on the logistics of the event.

City updates Emergency Plan
An updated version of the City’s Emergency Plan and Recovery Plan was presented to Council in the Committee of the Whole Session. The Director of Emergency Services reviewed the Plan with Council and further introduced an amended bylaw to reflect the changes made in the Plan. The previous Plan and Bylaw were adopted in 2005.

Adding accessibility to the OCP
Council approved a recommendation from the Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee to add accessibility requirements into Commercial/Multi-Family Development Permit Areas during the next revision of the Official Community Plan to ensure best practices are utilized in new developments.
Other news
Andrea Lee was officially appointed to the Museum and Heritage Commission for a term expiring December 31, 2016. There is currently room on the Commission for two more members.
Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg will remain in her position as North Central Local Government Association’s First Vice-President for the 2015-2016 year to facilitate an easier transition. 

Important dates
May 8 - Mental Health Awareness Week (Spirit Square)
August 21-23 - Annual Show and Shine (Lebourdais Park)

ProclamationsAPRIL - Autism Awareness Month and APRIL 2 - Autism Awareness Day (walk on Apr. 2, 7:00 p.m. starting at Ceal Tingley Park)

NEXT MEETINGS:Monday Mar. 30 @ 7 p.m.
Regular Meeting/Committee of the Whole Session

Tuesday, Apr. 7 @ 6:15 p.m.
Special Open Meeting of Council to discuss Strategic Planning, 
Vision-Mission-Values Statement,
and the 2015-2018 Corporate Strategic Plan
Tuesday, Apr. 14 @ 5:30 p.m.North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting

Monday Apr. 20 @ 7 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Session

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