Sunday, March 1, 2015

Steve's Meeting Calendar/Expenses - Feb 2015

During the month of Feb 2015 -- as the CRD Area 'D' Director, I attended the following meetings:

* Feb 4-6: Attend Local Gov't Leadership Academy (LGLA) training in Prince George, BC
* Feb 14: Fun Day at McLeese Lake Community Hall site
* Feb 18: CRD/CCRHD Board of Directors' Meetings
* Feb 25: CC Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings'
* Feb 26: Taseko Mines Presentation at Gibraltar Mines

As for expenses submitted during the month of Feb 2015:

* LGLA Mileage from WL-PG and return -- $243.36
* LGLA Travel Time from WL-PG and return - $93.60
* LGLA Daily Attendance Fees - $315.00
* Feb 18th CRD Board Mtg: $185.00
* Feb 25th CC Rural Caucus $70.00 (not yet approved)
* Feb 25th CC Joint Committee $70.00 (not yet approved)


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