Tuesday, March 24, 2015

WL Council Highlights - Mar 24th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Ryll, Smith and Walters


D. Garceau - City Manager
C. Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
C. Hutton - Planner

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Cobb noted that the meeting was being held on traditional Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda approved and Mins of the March 10th mtg of Council adopted


1) Joan Sorley/Phyllis Webstad from the Orange Shirt Committee appeared before Council give an update on the Committee's activities

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information

2) Joyce Norberg - Former President & Bonnie O'Neill, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #139 re Upcoming Communities for Veterans Foundation Fundraiser, Late Item #1 on Council Agenda

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved - That the request of $1,500 to support the activities of Orange Shirt Committee be referred to the budget process.  Further, Support-in-principle be approved for a Reconciliation Workshop in Williams Lake in partnership with UBCM


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending March 12 and 19, 2015

Councillor J. Ryll declared a perceived conflict of interest at 6:37pm and left Council Chambers

2) Council agreed to enter into a Fee for Service Agreement with the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce for a 2-year term, effective January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, in the amount of $125,000 per year and a Tourism Discovery Centre Advisory Committee be formed, Councillor Ivan Bonnell be appointed as Council liaison, Councillor Sue Zacharias be appointed as alternate and the City Manager or alternate be appointed as Staff representative for the City, and a draft Terms of Reference be brought back to the Community Services Committee for review.

Amendment - Strike $110,000 for $125,000.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb and Councillors Nelson & Smith
Negative - Councillors L. Walters and I. Bonnell

Main Motion, as Amended - Carried Unanimously

Councillor J. Ryll returned to the meeting at 6:57pm

3) Council rescinded 2nd Reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2226 as given on February 24, 2015 by Council Resolution #65/15; and 2nd Reading was given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2226 as amended, and a Public Hearing was scheduled for April 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers

4) Council awarded the two-year contract for janitorial services at City Hall, the Fire Hall and the Worksyard for the bid price of $78,381 and $25 per hour for the Tourist Discovery Centre, excluding applicable taxes, to Pact Commercial & Specialty Cleaning Ltd.

5) Council gave 1st and 2nd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2231 (Red Tomato Pies - 440 Proctor St); Staff were directed to issue notice of the application to surrounding property owners and tenants within a 100 metre radius of the subject property and a Public Hearing was set for April 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers

6) Council gave 2nd Reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2229 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 223 as amended (18 Woodland Dr); Public Hearing was set for April 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall

7) Council adopted Bylaws #2225 (664 Oliver St - Sandman Inn) and #2228 (222 Woodland Drive)

8) Council agreed to refer the RCMP "Final Confirmation Letter" to the 2015 Budget Process

9) Council gave approval for the 21st Annual Spring Round-Up Show and Shine (Lakers' Car Club) on Sunday, May 24, 2015 from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Third Avenue between Oliver Street and Proctor Street and Borland Street between Second Avenue and Fourth Avenue

10) Council agreed to endorse the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake's proposed mural project in Boitanio Park, on the stage of the Gwen Ringwood Theatre, for Aboriginal Day, June 21, 2015

11) Council agreed to endorse Councillor Laurie Walters' nomination to the NCLGA Executive Board for the 2015/2016 term.

12) Council received In-Camera Report #5-2015 re: Appointments to the Heritage Advisory Committee & Accessibility Advisory Committee

13) Late Item #1 - Council gave approval for the Communities for Veterans Foundation's 'Ride Across Canada' event taking place on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM

14) Late Item #2 - Council proclaimed the month of April 2015 - "National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Month" in the City of WL

15) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• March 6, 2015 - CRD Board Highlights;
• March 9, 2015 - City of Port Moody Resolution to LMLGA & UBCM re Proposed Closure of Burrard Thermal Plant;
• March 17, 2015 - Canada Post Letters to Residents re Locations of Community Mailboxes;
• March 19, 2015 - 'Leaving a Legacy' Free Seminar at Seniors Activity Centre.

Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities

Resolved - That a letter be forwarded to Xeni Gwet'in Chief Roger William congratulating him on his honorary degree from the University of Northern BC

Meeting adjourned at 7:41pm

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