Wednesday, April 8, 2015

2015 NCLGA Resolutions now available

The Northern Central Local Government Association or NCLGA has published its' 2015 Resolutions for consideration by NCLGA delegates. The NCLGA represents local governments' (Councils/Regional Boards') from 100 Mile House to the BC/Yukon border. Resolutions being considered include:
a) A call for a national public inquiry for missing or murdered aboriginal women
b) Poverty Reduction Strategy for BC
c) Support for BC's Forest Industry (this Resolution is being jointly sponsored by the Cariboo Regional District and its' 4 Member Muncipalities of Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House)
The full list of Resolutions can be viewed at:
I would appreciate hearing any views you may have on the 19 Resolutions up for consideration by leaving a comment here or via email at

The 2015 NCLGA Convention is being held in Prince George from May 6th to 8th


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