Friday, April 10, 2015

7 weeks to DeGagne Court Decision

This afternoon - Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb talked with the Goat/Cariboo Country and stated that the City has been told that a ruling of the court case of DeGagne v Williams Lake (City) will be handed down in 7 weeks and he goes on to say how it might be funded, depending on the actual ruling and how much the City is ordered to pay Mr. DeGagne

That puts an estimated ruling date of roughly Friday, May 22nd

Read more here


  1. "...stated that the City has been told"

    By whom?? Since when does that happen?

  2. Thanks for your comment...

    I am presuming that the City lawyer was told by the Court Clerk and that is the information that Mayor Cobb took to the media...


  3. Perhaps Mayor Cobb could clarify instead of us relying on conjecture.
