Friday, April 17, 2015

Cobb/Nelson takes CRD to task over Mt Polley partial re-start application

As the first example of tension between the Cariboo Regional District/City of Williams Lake in this new term of local government (2014 to 2018) - the topic of Mt Polley's partial re-start application came up at this past Tuesday's meeting of WL City Council and while Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb expressed a hope that everyone will make it to next Wednesday's public meeting hosted by Imperial Metals on their re-start application for Mt Polley - both he and Williams Lake City Councillor Scott Nelson took the Cariboo Regional District to task over its' neutrality on the subject

While Mayor Cobb acknowledged most of the Board's discussions on this topic have taken place "in-camera" or behind closed doors - he noted "the Board as a whole felt it wanted to remain neutral and couldn’t support whether the mine opened or didn’t open.

“I guess it’s just a difference of opinion, it’s unfortunate in my mind,”

While WL City Councillor Scott Nelson noted "I'm completely disappointed in the CRD leadership not pushing for a restart."

Read more here

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