Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - April 13th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Nominees for Quesnel’s 2014 Volunteer Citizen of the Year
Council had the opportunity to meet this years’ nominees for Quesnel Volunteer Citizen of the Year (VCoY). The VCoY Award recognizes outstanding area residents who volunteer their time to the betterment of our community and thanks them for their dedication and service. Florence White and Bob Sales are Quesnel’s nominees for 2014.

This years’ 35th annual Dinner and Awards event will be held in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on Tuesday, April 21 to coincide with Canada’s National Volunteer Week. Tickets for the banquet are available for sale at Quesnel City Hall.  

Proposed development on Rita Road
Council approved Development Permit No. 2015-78 for construction of an Andre’s Electronics retail store, Andre’s Carwash and vacant leasable space on Rita Road, adjacent the existing 7-11 and Walmart, and the requested variances with respect to the City’s Zoning and  Sign Bylaws subject to meeting the following conditions:

·         Supply engineered storm water drainage plans for approval by the Director of Public Works and Engineering reviewed for best practices. Oil interceptor installation will be required as a part of storm water management;
·         Provide final landscaping plans for approval by Director of Development Services and security for landscaping at 125% of value;
·         Meet any sewer discharge restrictions or requirements as determined by Cariboo Pulp and Paper;
·         Meet any traffic study or improvement requirements as determined as necessary by Director of Public Works and Engineering in consultation with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure;
·         Provide final servicing plans for Public Works and Engineering approval;
·         Install provision for future installation of water meter (spool piece);
·         Installation of stop signs at two Rita Road access points.

Auditor review
KPMG, the City’s auditors, presented their report to Council which included a review of the City’s 2014 financial statements. Full details of the audit report and the Consolidated Financial Statements are available on our website.

Next phase of ourQuesnel
Members of the ourQuesnel Sustainable Community Task Force met for the final time on March 25. Council thanked the Task Force members who have devoted more than three years to the project. The group felt their mandate was fulfilled with the finalization and adoption of the ourQuesnel Integrated Community Sustainability Plan with the understanding that the ourQuesnel document will be a foundation for moving the community forward and that Council will continue to move towards implementation of the plan.
A sincere thank you was extended to the members - Dora McMillan, Tom Weckworth, Teri Stoneman, Anna Rankin, Bernice Heinzelman, Kelly Pomeroy, Ron Dunn, and elected officials and staff from both the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Quesnel.

Other news
·         Council gave the first three readings to Bylaw 1744 - Emergency ProgramBylaw 1756 - Animal, Bird and Insect Control and Licencing Bylaw Amendment, and Bylaw 1758 - Fire Protection, Prevention and Emergency Services.
·         May 17 to 23 has been declared National Public Works Week. Marked the 55th annual Public Works Week, it is intended to draw attention to the importance of public works in community life. This year’s theme is “Community Begins Here”. Check our website in the coming weeks for public works events in Quesnel.
·         Physician retention and recruitment are important to Quesnel City Council. The Mayor will meet with Northern Health on April 17 to discuss the plan and communications strategy based on the outcome of the meeting held April 1 with Northern Health, elected officials and Quesnel’s doctors. Stay tuned.

Hospice Palliative Care Week in Quesnel - May 4 - 9


Tuesday, Apr. 14 @ 5:30 p.m.North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting

Monday Apr. 20 @ 7 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Session

Monday Apr. 27 @ 7 p.m.
Regular Meeting

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