Wednesday, May 6, 2015

2015 NCLGA Convention begins

Today through Friday - 300 local government politicians, First Nations, industry leaders, and staff will descend upon the City of Prince George to attend the 2015 North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) AGM/Convention. The NCLGA represents municipal councils' and regional boards from the District of 100 Mile House to the BC/Yukon border

Many members of local governments'  throughout the Cariboo-Chilcotin will be in attendance including myself as the CRD Area 'D' Director at the two day NCLGA Convention

Read the full Convention Agenda here while you can review the Resolutions Book here

Upon my return from the NCLGA Convention - I will post a full post-conference report here and on my CRD Area D Director Facebook page for your review

Finally - watch a Shaw TV story below on the 2012 NCLGA AGM/Convention held in 100 Mile House where CRD Chair Al Richmond, Fraser-Fort George RD Chair Art Kaehn and 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall talk about what happens at the Convention


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