Saturday, May 16, 2015

BC Farmland - Food or Corporate Carbon Credit?

On Tuesday - Lana Popham (BC NDP Agriculture Critic and MLA for Saanich South) will be hosting a meeting Tuesday at 7pm at the Best Western PLUS Tower Inn (500 Reid St) in Quesnel on the topic of BC Farmland - Food or Corporate Carbon Credit?

The description of the meeting is:

Please join me in Quesnel for a public meeting on Corporations using our ALR lands for carbon offset programs. We are losing thousands of acres of prime farmland and we don't have the legislation to stop it. Is it happening near you? Come and join the discussion!
As of this writing - 14 people have confirmed their attendance on Facebook including myself.  I have heard from ranchers in my Electoral Area very concerned about the practice of reforestation on ALR Land in BC and I hope to connect with MLA Popham to have a one-on-one discussion about this topic...

More details are available here


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