Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Changes coming to CC Transfer Station

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District announced today, that Bylaw 4950 has been established for the Central Cariboo Transfer Station. Under this new bylaw, commercial tipping fees will be increased by 14.5 per cent, with the exception of Demolition and Construction Waste (DLC), which will be increased by 10 per cent. The new bylaw will be effective June 4, 2015.

This bylaw has been established, and will be enforced, to protect our environment and manage tax dollars responsibly. Diverting recyclables from the landfill: conserves our landfill space; keeps harmful substances out of our environment; reduces methane gas production; and conserves resources.

“It is important that we take every possible step in helping to protect our environment from unnecessary and preventable contamination, while providing the service in a cost-efficient manner,” says CRD Chair Al Richmond. “The Cariboo Regional District is a signatory of the provincial Climate Action Charter, and we take that commitment seriously.”

The new bylaw also includes a landfill ban on recyclables. The month of June will be used to educate users and starting July 4, 2015, commercial and residential loads of waste (garbage, wood, or demolition and construction) containing more than 10 per cent by volume of recyclables will be charged $200 per tonne, or a $25 fee as a method of enforcing the ban. Recyclables include, but are not limited to: deposit beverage containers, pharmaceuticals, empty oil containers, oil filters, paints, lead-acid batteries, antifreeze, antifreeze containers, electronics and electrical products including batteries and accessories, passenger and light truck tires, large and small appliances, scrap metal, corrugated cardboard and office paper. If your business generates any of these recyclables you will need to develop alternate handling methods to ensure they are being recycled. All listed recyclables can be recycled at various locations in Williams Lake. A detailed list of recyclables is available on the CRD website, or by emailing talktrash@cariboord.ca.

Fees of $200 per tonne will apply to wood waste that is contaminated with non-wood materials. Attendants will be on-site to inspect all loads coming into the Central Cariboo Transfer Station.

The bylaw also lists prohibited materials such as all liquid, hazardous, and ignitable waste from the Central Cariboo Transfer Station.

The full text of the bylaw is available on the CRD website at cariboord.ca. For further information or questions, commercial users can contact the CRD at talktrash@cariboord.ca or by calling 250-392-3351 or toll free at 1-800-665-1636.

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