Thursday, May 14, 2015

CRD Board - May 14th mtg

Present - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Campsall and Alternate Director I. Bonnell (City of WL)


J. Bell - CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Burich - Mgr of Communications
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:55am

Agenda (with late items) approved and Mins of the April 24th CRD Board meeting approved

Delegation MOB received

Planning Bylaws:

1) Bylaw 4953 - Area H was given 1st/2nd Readings
2) Bylaw 4954 - Area F was given 1st/2nd Readings
3) The following Bylaws were adopted:

i) Bylaw 4860/4861 - Area G
ii) Bylaw 4940 - Area F

Development Variance Permits:

a) DVP #10-2015 (Area D) was approved (Mike King - 5008 Highway 97 North)

Agriculture Land Commission Applications:

a) ALR Application #G20150006 (Area G) was deferred up to six months

Planning/Bylaw Enforcement/Building Inspection - Other Business:

1) A Request for Letter of Concurrence for Rogers Communications in Area G was deferred up to six months at the request of the applicant

2) The Municipalities’ Building Inspection Reports, Cariboo Regional District Statistic Reports and the Inspection Activity Reports for the month of March 2015 was received

3) The Board requested the Chair/CAO coordinate with other RD Chairs/CAO's to formulate a joint letter to the Province with options to consider in regards to reforestation of agricultural lands.

a) The Board agreed send a letter outlining its concerns to Reckitt Benckiser with a copy to MLA Lana Popham and send a separate letter to BC Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick on this subject

Environmental Services:

1) The Board received the Refuse Site Inspection Report for March 5, 2015 to April 21, 2015

2) The Board received a report from Staff in regards to illegal dumping on Crown or Private Lands

3) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Environmental Services regarding the public petition results for Alexis Creek street lighting

4) The Board received a report of the Mgr of Environmental Services regarding the domestic water supply for the community of Forest Grove

5) The Board endorsed two recommendations as to the acquisition of 103 Mile Water System and asked Staff to report to June's Committee of the Whole regarding a policy governing expanded use of the Community Works funding

Meeting recessed at 11:30am
Meeting resumed at 1:04pm

6) The Board agreed to notify Benjamin Water & Utility Ltd that it is prepared to consider taking ownership of the water utility, subject to public assent and that up to $3,000 in Rural Feasibility Funds to facilitate a system assessment and a public consultation/assent process

7) The Board received a letter from John Ranta, Chair, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, regarding a UBCM resolution for the management of bio-solids

Community Services:

1) The Board agreed to endorse an application from the Big Lake Community Association to the Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund for the replacement of a staff housing unit at the Big Lake Community Hall property


a) The Board agreed to proclaim the following dates:

May 25th-31st, 2015 - Bike to Work/School Week
June 6th, 2015 - Access Awareness Day


a) The Board received the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report for the month of April 2015, in the amount of $1,009,308.56

b) The Board endorsed a request to access Areas G, H and L Discretionary Funds for $100 from each of the 3 Areas to cover the rental charges at the Martin Exeter Hall for a Mill Girl Follies fund raising event


1) The Board agreed to rescind the following Board Policies:

#91-4-4(y) Purchasing
#91-4-4(z) Tenders
#91-4-4(aa) Requirement for Revised Cost Estimates
#91-4-4(bb) Awarding of Contracts
#91-6-43 Conflict of Interest
#99-7-17 Contract Renewal/Extension

2) The Board received a request from School District #27 for feedback on proposed policy revisions (Community Use of Facilities, Recruitment/Selection of Teachers/Support Staff and Administration/Management)

3) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer regarding the 2015 UBCM Resolution Deadline

4) The Board endorsed a Resolution in regards to Fire Inspection Services in Rural Areas as follows:

WHEREAS the provincial government has enacted various building and fire
code regulations for public buildings, including the
Fire Services Act;

AND WHEREAS the provincial government has, through the BC Safety
Authority, and various other provincial agencies such as the Health Authorities,
established regulatory regimes designed to inspect various installations and
operations, such as gas, electrical, health, food safety, etc. aimed at protecting
the public from potential hazards associated with public facilities, while the
Fire Services Act remains without an effective regulatory regime;

AND WHEREAS the provincial government is considering requiring regional
districts to enforce the Fire Services Act and its regulations in the
unincorporated areas of the province, including the obligation to provide for a
regular system of inspection of public buildings;

AND WHEREAS regional districts do not have the capacity to take on an
inspection and enforcement role in the rural areas without significant additional
financial and human resources;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government
provide the resources necessary to inspect and enforce provincial safety
regulations, including the Fire Services Act
and its regulations, through either
the Office of the Fire Commissioner or the BC Safety Authority rather than
pursuing options to download the responsibility for inspections and enforcement
of provincial regulations on local governments.

5) The Board received a report of the Executive Assistant in regards to the new Special Occasion Liquor License process

6) The Board received the following In-Camera Resolution released from In-Camera:

That the Memorandum from Janis Bell, Chief Administrative Officer, dated
March 12, 2015 regarding the Watch Lake/Green Lake Volunteer Fire
Department’s request for the Cariboo Regional District to collect dues, be
received. Further, that the request be denied.

7) Late Item -- The Board received a letter from the Honourable Coralee Oakes, Minister
of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, regarding the Interlakes
Economic Association’s concerns about governance in the Interlakes area of the
Cariboo Regional District and that the Interlakes Economic Association be invited to appear before the Board to discuss their concerns with the Cariboo Regional District

Meeting recessed at 2:28pm

The Board convened an In-Camera meeting under Section 90(1c - labour) of the Community Charter at 2:37pm

The Board resumed its' public meeting at 5:30pm

8) The Board received both the Consent and Financial Consent Calendars as of May 14th

9) The Board received the NCLGA April 2015 Newsletter

10) The Board received the Board Prioritization of Resolutions Report

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the April 22nd minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting

2) The Board received the April 22nd minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting and endorsed the following:

That correspondence be forwarded to Todd Hubner at the Ministry of
Transportation and Infrastructure, requesting that Speed Limit signs
be erected on West Coast Road, past the transfer station; and on
Mountain House Road, past the intersection of Mountain House Road
and West Coast Road

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Sharpe, Simpson, Campsall and Alternate Director Bonnell (Williams Lake)

Negative - Director B. Coakley (Area L)

3) The Board received the March 24th meeting minutes of the Heritage Steering Committee

4) The Board received the April 14th meeting minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed two recommendations as follows:

a) West Fraser Centre - Construction Document Stage
b) West Fraser Centre - Fundraising

5) The Board received the May 4th meeting minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed 4 recommendations as follows:

a) Water Park Location
b) Functional Integration Workshop
c) South Cariboo Highway Rescue Services
d) Laundry Services at 100 Mile District General and Cariboo Memorial Hospitals


The Board received two invitations without allocated funding as follows:

1) Regional Gold Rush Trail workshop scheduled to be held between June
9th and June 12th, 2015

2) Invitation from the Fraser Basin Council to attend the opening
reception of its upcoming Board meeting to be held in Quesnel on June 3, 2015

Directors' Requests:

a) The Board endorsed a request from Director Anderson to access $400 from the Area 'K' Discretionary Fund for two turkey shoots in Riske Creek ($200), and $200 for remodeling of bathrooms at the Alexis Creek Community Hall to increase accessibility

b) The Board endorsed a request of Director Forseth to increase access to the Area 'D' Director Initiative Fund for the Keeping It Rural conference in Salmon Arm from up to $1,350 to up to $1,600

Meeting adjourned at 5:41pm

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