Saturday, May 9, 2015

John Massier new NMPT Chair

Members of the 2015-16 Northern Medical Program Trust
At this past week's North Central Local Government Association Convention - the AGM of the Northern Medical Program Trust was held and it was agreed to elect Cariboo RD Area 'C' Director & Cariboo-Chilcotin Reg. Hospital District Chair John Massier to the position of President of the Trust for 2015-2016

The Northern Medical Programs Trust was established to connect students with communities, growing the success of the Northern Medical Program and other health care education programs in building stronger health care in northern communities.  More fuller details on the Trust here

Members of the Trust in this region include:

* District of 100 Mile House
* City of Quesnel 
* Cariboo Regional District

Joining Massier on the NMPT Trust Board will be 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall.  Congrats to my colleagues, particularly Chair Massier in his new role

Read more on this story here while watch a story from CKPG below:

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