Thursday, May 28, 2015

New NC Rural Recreation Group

Yesterday - a new Facebook page was established in the North Cariboo in which the page is dedicated to the following:

The North Cariboo Rural Recreation Group intends to move recreation in the Bouchie Lake, Parkland, and Barlow Creek areas forward to increase community involvement and improve recreation opportunities for the north Cariboo.

The Facebook page can be viewed here

They have also established a Terms of Reference for the Group which you can read below:

Purpose: to move rural recreation forward within the communities of Bouchie Lake, Barlow Creek and Ten Mile Lake Terms of Reference

To review the existing governing and funding formula for recreation within the North Cariboo with a “rural lens”;

To seek to understand the structure and funding formula currently in place for rural recreation in the North Cariboo (e.g. North Cariboo Recreation and Parks taxation function);

To review and assess other funding and governing options to support rural recreation that may be available;

To consult with community residents so that the needs and wants of our rural communities are identified;

To collaborate and share information learned with the residents of Barlow Creek, Bouchie Lake, and Ten Mile Lake and hopefully engage residents so that the needed and wanted change can be captured and implemented through the Planning process;

To assist residents so that they can be prepared for the 2015 Strategic Planning process for North Cariboo Recreation so the engagement and consultation is active and residents are informed of options for change;

To liaise with our local and provincial government representatives (CRD Directors Areas A, B, C and I, City of Quesnel Mayor and Council, Provincial MLA) and CRD staff so they too become more aware of the needs and opportunities for rural recreation and understand how it fits within the fabric of local community development (social, cultural and economic)

It will be interesting to follow where this Group goes as it interacts with local and provincial elected officials moving forward...


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