Sunday, May 3, 2015

Steve's April 2015 Meeting Calendar/Expenses Submitted

During the month of  April 2015 -- as the CRD Area 'D' Director, I attended the following meetings:

* April 14th - CRD Advisory Planning Commission Member training for CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F, J and K

* April 15th - Photo Op at WL Library for new $10,000 Telus investment in gaming centre at WL Library with CRD Area 'E' Director Byron Kemp

* April 16th - Emergency Planning Training Session at WL Fire Hall - hosted by Emergency Management BC

* April 21st - Wildwood Community Association Meeting

* April 22nd - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings and Mt Polley Community Mtg at the Gibraltar Rm - CMRC with CRD Area 'E' and 'F' Directors Byron Kemp/Joan Sorley

* April 23rd - Strategic Planning - Part 1

* April 24th - CRHD/CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

* April 28th - Wildwood Community Meeting to discuss local community safety and new Emergency response system going live on May 5th and represent the Cariboo RD at Day of Mourning event at WL City Hall

* April 30th - Represent Cariboo RD at WL/District Chamber of Commerce meeting

As for expenses submitted during the month of April 2015:

* April 23rd - Strategic Planning Session - Part 1 -- $120.00
* April 24th - CRD Board Meetings - $185.00


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