Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wildwood Elementary Closure Process started

Courtesy of School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin):

Editor's Note -- I discussed this development with SD27 Superintendent Mark Thiessen earlier today and the options available, outside of closure, are not all that good for SD27. I strongly encourage all parents at Wildwood Elementary to attend this meeting. I will also be in attendance at the June 16th public forum

In a closed meeting last night, 26 May 2015, the Board of Education discussed options for the Wildwood Elementary School facility. Since 21 April 2015, the Wildwood Elementary School facility has been temporarily closed due to flooding and mould issues. Wildwood Elementary has been operating as a “school within a school” out of Marie Sharpe Elementary in Williams Lake.

The Board learned last night that to restore the Wildwood facility to a safe and healthy environment would require a minimum of $550,000 and could, quite conceivably, surpass $2,000,000.

Secretary Treasurer, Kevin Futcher, reported, “The issue is trying to identify where the water is coming from and how we stop it or divert it. The next step would then be to confirm the integrity of the facility – footings, foundation wall / floor slab interface, etc. The final step would be the actual remediation and upgrades to mechanical and ventilation systems. This would not be a quick process and it will be a costly one.”

Repairs of this magnitude would require Ministry of Education approval and funding. Initial discussions with the Ministry have occurred.

Given the extent of the proposed remediation, the Board passed a motion to begin the permanent school closure consultation process in accordance with Policy 1711 Opening, Closing of Schools and School Consolidation. Due to the emergent situation, the Board waived its normal requirement of a 90 day public consultation process and will condense the process to conclude by its next open meeting on 23 June 2015.

The Board also passed a motion that, if the school is permanently closed, it would be recommended that students from the Wildwood catchment area become part of Marie Sharpe Elementary School. The Board further proposed that consideration be given for those families who wish to engage the School of Choice process and enroll in another school as per Policy 5117 Schools of Choice.

Board Chair, Tanya Guenther, said, “This was a very difficult decision to make and that was not made lightly. In the end we did not want to prolong the decision as we know that parents and students will want to know the status of their school as soon as possible.”

A public forum will be held at Marie Sharpe Elementary School on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, at 7:00 pm.

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