Wednesday, June 10, 2015

100 Mile House recognized for its commitment to seniors

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

The District of 100 Mile House has been awarded an Age-friendly BC Recognition designation from the provincial government for its support of seniors to remains safe, active and independent.

“I would like to offer my thanks to Councillor Ralph Fossum and Lea Smirfitt of the community planning council for the work they do serving and making a positive difference for seniors in our community,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “As B.C.’s population ages, it’s vital to plan and make priorities in order to accommodate the arrival of older people. 100 Mile House is focused on the future and fully deserve being granted their Age-friendly BC Recognition designation.”

100 Mile House has received its Age-friendly BC Recognition is in part due to the District conducted a community assessment and planning process, which included focus groups, a community café, and a survey. The results identified communication, transportation, housing, and advocacy as age-friendly priorities.

100 Mile House is one of 11 B.C. communities being recognized this week and will receive a letter of congratulations, an Age-friendly BC Recognition award poster, along with $1,000 to create a legacy project or a celebration.

The Age-friendly BC Recognition program is a partnership between the BC Healthy Communities Society and the Ministry of Health and is part of the Age-friendly BC strategy. To date, 36 B.C. communities have received Age-friendly BC Recognition.

To achieve recognition, four key steps must be taken. These include establishing an age-friendly advisory or steering committee, passing a council or district board resolution, conducting an age-friendly assessment, and developing and publishing an action plan.

100 Mile House and the other 10 recognized communities will continue implementing age-friendly plans and projects.

For a complete list of age-friendly recognized communities and to learn more about how communities can receive age-friendly recognition, please visit:

The recognized communities will continue implementing age-friendly plans and projects.

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