Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Future of Wildwood Elementary Mtg

At a meeting hosted by School District #27 with the Board of Education and their Senior Staff present -- 25 parents showed up to discuss the future of Wildwood Elementary.  Kiley Sales, Assistant to Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes and Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director Steve Forseth were also present

After opening statements from SD27 Superintendent Mark Thiessen and Board of Education Chair Tanya Guenther, Alex Telford (Mgr of Facilities & Transportation) and Kevin Futchner (Sec-Treasurer) gave an presentation of previous flooding at Wildwood Elementary and the options going forward

After the presentation, a Question/Answer period ensued.  Questions being asked included:

* Why can't you bring in portables for Wildwood Elementary site?

* Questions around the "School of Choice" Program?
* Pursuit of other funding options (non-government) for repairs to Wildwood Elementary?
* Why can't water be diverted via Pacific Rd?
* Removal of Items from Wildwood Elementary?

SD27 Chair Tanya Guenther encouraged the 25 parents present to further present their views via letters or emails to the SD27 Office in addition to making oral submissions at the next Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, June 22nd at 6:30pm


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