Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - June 2015

For the month of June 2015 as the CRD Area 'D' Director - I attended the following meetings:

June 2nd - Joint Meeting between CRD Directors for Areas D, E, F, G, L, WL City Council, 100 Mile Council and School District #27 Trustees

June 3rd - Public Hearing on Bylaw #4957 (WL Fringe OCP Amendment Bylaw)

June 5th - Meeting between MLA Oakes, School District #27 Trustees/Staff and myself in regards to Wildwood Elementary plus a lunch with MLA Oakes at the Laughing Loon plus a meeting with MLA Oakes at McLeese Lake with McLeese Lake VFD Society members

June 11th - CRD Policy Committee Meeting & CRD Board in Committee of the Whole

June 16th - School District #27 Wildwood Elementary Closure Meeting

June 17th - CC Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings

June 18th - Meet with McLeese VFD Society

June 22nd - Meeting with CRD CAO J. Bell, Mgr of Development Services K. Moores, CRD Chair Al Richmond regarding outcome of the Public Hearing for CRD Bylaw #4957 and the next steps

June 23rd - Attended Mt Polley Meeting at Sugarcane with CRD Area F Director Joan Sorley and CRD Chair Al Richmond

June 24th - Attended Mt Polley Meeting in the Gibraltar Room - CMRC.  CRD Area F Director Joan Sorley, Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb and Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett in attendance

June 25th - Attended BC Transportation Minister Todd Stone event at the Tourism Discovery Centre.  CRD Area F Director Joan Sorley, Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb, WL City Councillors Jason Ryll and Laurie Walters and Cariboo North/Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA's in attendance

June 27th - Participated in the WL Stampede Parade in the morning and then attended the VIP portion of the WL Stampede event at the Stampede Grounds.  CRD Area 'K' Director Betty Anderson, WL Mayor Walt Cobb, WL City Councillor Jason Ryll, WL Indian Band Chief Ann Louie, Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett and Fed Conservative candidate for Cariboo-Prince George Todd Doherty in attendance

As for expenses submitted for June 2015:

June 11th - CRD Board in COW, $120.00
June 17th - CC Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings - $75.00


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