Friday, June 19, 2015

Update on RB/Use of ALR Lands for Growing Trees

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick has issued the following statement following a productive meeting between ministry staff and Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Group regarding its Trees for Change Programme:

“I would like to thank RB for taking the concerns of British Columbians seriously, and meeting with ministry staff to discuss opportunities for moving forward together.

“It is clear that we have a shared interest in promoting environmental leadership while also working to preserve B.C.’s productive agricultural land for agriculture.

“It is encouraging to hear that RB is in the process of reviewing their Trees for Change Programme to ensure that it is meeting its objectives and to build support with local communities and stakeholders.

“I am especially pleased to hear that in conducting their review they will not make any new offers to purchase land nor will they prepare existing lands, buy seed or plant new trees.

“And I am very happy to hear they are open to considering new approaches to respond to the concerns of British Columbians.

“Thanks to RB again for taking the time to work with the ministry, the Agricultural Land Commission and other interested parties here in B.C. I look forward to continuing to work together over the coming weeks and months.”

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