Friday, July 10, 2015

CRD Board Highlights - July 10th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Director J. Darney (Area F)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am 

Meeting Agenda approved and June 12th CRD Board Meeting Minutes approved

Delegation MOB received with delegation pertaining to MP Dick Harris being removed

Development Services:

a) Bylaw #4966 (Area I) was deferred for 90 days to allow discussions between the Ministry of Environment and Electoral Area 'I' to discuss the relevant concerns

b) Bylaw #4956 (Area A) was given 3rd Reading
c) Bylaw #4957 (Area D) was rejected as the Board did not support it, at the request of Director Forseth and the Board directed Staff to bring back a new Bylaw to amend the WL Fringe OCP Bylaw to change the land use designation from MHP to RR3

The Board divided on rejection of Bylaw #4957 as follows:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, and Coakley and Alternate Director J. Darney - 10

Negative - Director B. Anderson - 1

d) Following a Public Hearing - Bylaw #4955 (Area B) was given 3rd Reading and Adoption
e) Bylaw #4438 (Area B) was adopted
f) The Board approved DVP's #18 and #21 of 2015 (Areas D and L)
g) The Board approved renewing Temporary Permit #23-2012 in Area I
h) The Board received the Building Stats report for the month of May 2015
i) The Board received the Agricultural Land Use Inventories and the Water Demand Model for Lac La Hache and the South Cariboo

Environmental Services:

a) The Board received the Proposed Water and Sewer Projects Report
b) The Board approved Community Works Fund for the 103 Mile Utility improvements, subject to a local service area being established

Community Services:

a) The Board approved a number of NDIT applications for the Miocene Community Hall and the Horsefly Community Hall


a) The Board ratified the cheque run for the month of June 2015
b) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) - the Board authorized a change in use of Grant for Assistance funds for the McLeese Lake VFD Society and waived the Grant for Assistance policy in this regard

c) The Board received a report from the CFO concerning Community Works Funding - Historical Breakdown by Area

d) The Board approved additional funding up to $3,000 to provide three more polling stations for the South Cariboo Highway Rescue Service Enhancement Assent Vote


a) The Board approved a request for a letter of support for Spinal Cord Injury BC
b) The Board received the UBCM Executive Members' Nomination Notice. The Board agreed to support Director Wagner for a Director at Large position on the UBCM Executive for 2015-16

c) The Board approved UBCM Resolutions as follows:

i) Physiotherapy Program at UNBC
ii) Enhanced Reforestation of Dead Stands

d) The Board, at the request of Chair Richmond, appointed Director J. Sorley as the CRD CCBAC Rep with Director S. Forseth as the Alternate rep effective upon change of the Constitution of CCBAC later this fall

e) The Board agreed to approve the suggestion for Funding from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development of an Governance Review in the Interlakes area with the understanding that the Ministry clarifying the process involved and a maximum amount for the study. Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Campsall and Alternate Director J. Darney

Negative - Directors Forseth, Wagner, and Anderson

f) The Board received the Consent and Financial Consent Calendars as of July 10th

i) The Board agreed to forward a letter to Reckitt-Benckiser asking it clarify its' presentation in Vanderhoof earlier this year

ii) The Board agreed to ask Mayors Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall, Chair Richmond and Director Bruce to craft an Emergency UBCM Resolution and letter to the Minister of Agriculture/Premier in regards to land ownership

g) The Board received Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)/North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Member Items as follows:

i) Peace River Regional District - Order in Council No. 148 (Site C)
ii) Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako - BC Earthquake Preparedness Consultation Report

h) The Board received the Level One Corporate Priorities Report
i) The Board received a letter from the City of Williams Lake concerning a proposal for Dog Control services in a portion of Electoral Area D

j) The Board received a letter from BC Health Minister Terry Lake in regards to palliative care fees

k) The Board received the Prioritization of Board Resolutions as of June 12, 2015

Commission or Committee Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the minutes of the May 12th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee meeting and endorsed 3 Recommendations (Quesnel Curling Club, Alex Fraser Park Mural, and Quesnel Accessible Playground)

b) The Board received the minutes of the June 9th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee meeting and endorsed 3 Recommendations from that meeting (Arena Replacement Project - Construction Schedule, Arena Replacement Project - Potential Savings, Bouchie Lake Community Hall - Entrance Project)

c) The Board received the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes as of June 9, 2015

Meeting recessed at 10:49am
Meeting resumed at 11:02am

Delegation - Todd Hubner

Mr. Hubner appeared before the Board to discuss flooding/landslide issues on roads in the Cariboo Region

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Hubner for his time/information

Meeting recessed at 11:45am
Meeting resumed at 12:55pm

Business, cont:

d) The Board received the Policy Committee Minutes of June 11th and endorsed 3 Recommendations from that meeting and deferred discussion to the Board's August meeting on the Corporate Priorities Policy

e) The Board received the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 11th and endorsed resolutions made at that meeting

f) The Board received the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes as of June 17, 2015

g) The Board received the minutes of the June 17th Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee meeting and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting (Appointments to Joint Use Committee & Accessibility Analysis for Cariboo Memorial Complex)

h) The Board received the South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes as of June 22, 2015 and endorsed three recommendations from that meeting (District of 100 Mile House 50th Anniversary - Sponsorship Request; 100 Mile & District Historical Society - Funding Request and Temporary Permits For Accommodation)

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board adopted Bylaw #4970, 2015 (Cariboo Regional District Forest Grove Legion Property Tax Exemption)

Directors' Request:

a) At the request of Directors' Forseth, Richmond and Anderson - access to Discretionary Funds were approved as follows:

i) Area D - up to $500 for the Tyee Lake Community Association AGM/BBQ
ii) Area G - $3,000 for emergency egress from the 108, off of Tatton Road
iii) Area K - $300 for Riske Creek Community Assoc. - Upcoming Gymkhana on Aug. 3 & $400 for Big Creek Roundup for Sept. 12

The Board at 2:02pm convened an In-Camera Session as per Sections 90(1f,i and k - law enforcement, legal advice and negotiations) of the Community Charter

The Board resumed its' public meeting at 2:48pm
The Board agreed to adjourn its' meeting at 3:30pm

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