Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Williams Lake City Council debates proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park

At last night's Williams Lake City Council meeting - the topic of the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park was debated at length. This Tribal Park was first raised in the fall of 2014 - read more here while you can read the proposed letter of opposition to the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park here

First up to address Williams Lake Council -- Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'K' (East Chilcotin) Director Betty Anderson who said, while she respects her First Nations neighbours and friends and noting her husband is of Shuswap descent himself, that someone had to stand up about the proposed Tribal Park and why it is bad for her Electoral Area

After Director Anderson made her presentation which at one point became emotional for her, due to her deep respect for her fellow Chilcotin CRD Director - Area 'J' Director (and Xeni Gwet'in Chief) Roger William, Yunesit’in (Stone) Band Chief Russell Myers-Ross also presented on the topic of the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park, going through the background of how it came forward and what was coming up including upcoming consultation sessions.  Chief Myers-Ross also stated that the Tsilhqot'in National Government is open to discuss this Tribal Park proposal with anyone.  Xeni Gwet'in Chief (and Cariboo RD Electoral Area 'J' Director) Roger William also presented to Council on the subject and reviewed the various history connected to the proposed Tribal Park.  In addition - CRD Area 'K' Alternate Director Ervin Charleyboy and CRD Area 'F' resident George Atamanenko addressed Council on the subject of the proposed Tribal Park as well.

During responses to the various delegations - Williams Lake City Councillors Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll, Laurie Walters and Ivan Bonnell collectively stated a need to meet to understand the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park and how that could reflect the best interests of the Cariboo-Chilcotin region

During Council consideration of a motion offered by WL City Councillor Scott Nelson to defer consideration of endorsing the joint letter of opposition to the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park for 6 weeks, pending a meeting with the Tsilhqot'in National Government - Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb stated his strong opposition to the Tribal Park proposal and stated that he was prepared to continue his opposition to the Tribal Park proposal notwithstanding Council's resolve to defer.  This caused Williams Lake Councillor Ivan Bonnell to suggest that Mayor Cobb was somehow "threatening" WL City Council.  Mayor Cobb took great offence to Councillor Bonnell's suggestion by addressing him as "Mr. Bonnell" in a fairly strong voice

In the end - Williams Lake Council approved Councillor Nelson's motion by a vote of 5-1 with Mayor Walt Cobb voting in opposition.  Williams Lake City Councillor Sue Zacharias was absent from the meeting

Director Anderson strongly hinted during her presentation that the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board may be asked to discuss this matter.  The CRD Board's next meeting is on Friday, August 21st


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