Tuesday, July 7, 2015

WL Council Highlights - July 7th mtg

Present - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Bonnell, Nelson, Rylll, Smith, Walters and Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda approved/June 23rd Council Meeting Minutes adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listing for the periods ending June 25 and July 2, 2015

2) Council ratified a Committee of the Whole recommendation from June 22nd as follows:

The Cariboo Regional District be advised that the City will continue to review and approve applications for Grants-in-Aid independently for 2016

3) After receiving no public input - Council approved Development Permit #2-2015 ( Leif & Sarah Dressler, 101 Mason Rd)

4) Council received a letter from Trish Hoffos dated June 4, 2015 regarding on-street parking along Borland Street between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue, adjacent to Boitanio Park and authorized a letter of response to be sent to Ms. Hoffos advising that no changes will be made to the current on-street parking restrictions at this time

5) Council appointed Leah Hartley, Director of Development Services, as Approving Officer for the City of Williams Lake with the Chief Administrative Officer being appointed as acting Approving Officer in her absence

6) Council voted to reject reconsideration of Council Resolution #257 of 2015 (majority required to reconsider) - see below

"Council approve a sign encroachment agreement with the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club on the parcel at the north western corner of Fairview Drive and Highway 20, subject to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval, with all costs associated with registration of this execution and registration being the responsibility of the property owner."

Defeated by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Nelson, Ryll, and Walters - 3

Negative - Mayor Cobb; Councillors Smith, Ryll, and Zacharias - 4

7) Council approved a recommendation from the Public Works Committee as follows:

The report of the Director of Municipal Services dated June 16, 2015, together with the letter from Stephanie Hendrickson dated March 19, 2015 regarding concerns around traffic speed and safety in the Westridge Drive neighbourhood, be received and Council authorize a letter of response to be sent to Ms. Hendrickson advising that the City has obtained speed reader data for both Westridge Drive and Foster Way which indicates that further traffic calming measures in the neighbourhood are currently not warranted and that no further action will be taken at this time, however, the RCMP have been requested to do additional patrols in the area

8) Council approved Airport Lease #CWL6600

9) Council endorsed a Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee recommendation as follows:

That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #18-2015, the report of the Director of Community Services dated June 9, 2015 regarding the formation of a Joint Use Agreement Committee be received; and further, Director Forseth and Councillor Ryll be appointed to represent the Cariboo Regional District and City of Williams Lake, respectively, with Director Sorley and Councillor Walters appointed as alternates.

10) Council received the June 17th meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee

11) Council received a request for support from the Women's Contact Society and agreed to let the Society know that Williams Lake City Council supports the application to Northern Development Initiative Trust from the Contact Women's Group Society for a grant of up to $150,000 for the Kidcare Early Learning Centre from the Economic Diversification Infrastructure Fund of the Northern Development Initiative Trust.

12) Council received the Council Information Package as of July 7th as follows:

• June 25, 2015 - Prince Rupert Port Authority re 2014 Annual Review and Audited Financial Statements

Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities

Meeting adjourned at 6:22pm and after a brief recess - Council then convened an In-Camera meeting as per Section 90(1g - potential or actual litigation) of the Community Charter

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